Saturday, May 14, 2011

another tiring week

This week was like most couldn't wait for Friday to come and sadly I was so exhausted that I didn't even go to work yesterday b/c I just couldn't get moving.  I was tired and had no motivation to get moving most fridays I have more pep b/c I'm glad the end of the week is here and I do my best efforts to make it to work on time so I can be home on time.  I showered and got jr ready and dropped him off at the sitter and took the morning to rest and watch some tv and  my stomach started acting up so I'm kind of glad I stood him but thing is one day is never enough for me.  I would need a week or two bare minimum.  The mood in the city this week was not a good one this week I saw a lot of rallies and protests by several different employee unions protesting the budget cuts the latest one was the teachers union rally that started in the am and in the evening was so big that it took up 4 city blocks.  I think it is digusting that our mayors and other gov't incompetents want to lay off all of these teachers and try to close the budget gap at the expense of our kids and their access to a quality education.  Everyone is angry and tired of the uncertainity and their jobs being attacked it's getting to the point that they did a poll on NY1 news and there's a lot of people leaving the city and the main reason is they can't afford it anymore.   Everything keeps going up but your paycheck and the rents here are outrageous it's going to get to the point that there's going to be barely no middle class people living here anymore b/c of the ridiculous cost of living.  The psychologist from the agency came to evaluate jr on thursday and I was kind of annoyed that he was late when I made my best efforts to get home on time but it is what it is.  I have a feeling that this is going to be a long road dealing with CPSE, etc.  I felt the evaluation was rushed and wasn't in depth as I thought it would be.  Jr got a little out of control at times but he was able to do finish it and he said that he would qualify for services but even full time services is only 5 hrs a day which in my opinion is ridiculous.  No accommodation for working parents and I was also looking forward of not having to pay daycare anymore but I guess we will need to for the remaining 2 hours.  He did well with most of the skills like identify pictures, stacking the blocks, etc. but he says he still needs help with speech and language and processing things.  This is a scary road but one we must take to ensure that he gets the proper help that he needs.  I just get annoyed with dealing with the service coordinator and staff at times for example occupational therapist finally calls me after several weeks and claims she can only do thursday which is another scheduled visit and says she will be out in 30 minutes which pisses me off b/c I think that's too much for the child.  The service coordinator is trying to say only she won't be there that long and that's when I said thats too much for the child what I should've said her scheduling conflicts aren't my son's problem.  These people seem to think that you're at their mercy I have scheduling conflicts of my own to worry about.  Today was the usual jr waking me up early doing household stuff and going to get a few things and I've grown tired of shopping outside since they never seem to have what I want I had to wind up ordering my sneakers and jacket online I think I'm going to start doing my shopping online now b/c I've grown tired of going to stores and being disappointed when they don't have my size, color, etc. or having to go to so many stores just to find one in stock, this past week I called 4 aersoles stores and went to 2 stores only to finally find the shoes at the store near the seaport.  I normally don't do this but I really liked the shoes.  I still haven't joined the gym yet very lazy on my part and giving up soda I haven't totally given it up I cut back and drink diet but mostly drink water with crystal light, diet snapples, etc.  I have to stop being lazy and get a move on b/c if I don't make an effort to get started I will never get to achieve my goal.  After shopping we had dinner at the outback and the food was great never miss a chance to go there we left there stuffed and tired tomorrow is the least favorite task grocery shopping.  It's past my time to be in bed so I'd better go and catch some zzz's. 

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