Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday and a long weekend

Friday has arrived and it doesn't even seem like I was out sick for two days my throat is better than what it was earlier this week but still needs to heal last night wasn't an easy one as I was very tired and Jr was trying my patience every step of the way and didn't want to go to sleep etc I finally had enough so I told his father he's all yours. Went to go watch divorce court which is funny but sad at times makes me realize that there are ppl with a lot worse problems than us. I almost didn't wake up this am but I'm on my ride to work and caught the early train so I will be in the city early provided these trains run right. The last evaluator came yesterday and it went pretty well liked her better than the other two so now its just a wait to see if we get a call or letter or make our own calls to school district today will be the final move of things at work and hope things will settle down we're supposed to go to sesame pl but now I'm thinking about the weather up there hope it cooperated. I was thinking of going on Sunday but not sure if he has to work we'll see how everything plays out
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