Friday, May 20, 2011


I'm glad Friday has arrived it's been a long week with most of the days rainy and humid and it feels good to see the sun for a change but it's uncomfortably humid outside.  Yesterday was an okay day with some annoyances.  One being I make every effort to get here on time and attempt to punch in and due to the malfunctioning of the scanner I couldn't get in I figured if I made an attempt later it would be corrected well apparently not.  My word isn't good enough and I had to stay late when I was on time and I was really pissed off about that b/c if they can make corrections on any other circumstance why not this one! These are the reasons why I can't stand certain things and people in this place.  They make exceptions for whom they feel like doing it for now and you going into a system and making a change doesn't take that long.  Technology is a good thing and sometimes it just more of a headache than anything else especially when things break down and malfunction.  I was going to charge the time to leave but why should I so I sucked it up and stood the time and hoped the machine would work when it was time for me to go.  By the time I arrived home,  the evaluator for occupational therapy was there and I have to say that I wasn't impressed with her at all, she barely said a word to me and his father I feel her evaluation was rushed and she stated that his delays weren't too bad and I was pissed off b/c this woman can definitely affect the services he receives b/c every therapist has their own professional opinion and even if he has a slight delay he should still get the help he needs even if it's not as much as the beginning due to improvement.  I'm considering getting him reevaluated. It also didn't help that jr was feeling under the weather due to being sick.  I noticed she was just scribbling notes on a paper, etc.  some ppl just are meant to work with kids in my opinion. Our main goal is to get him into a good school that's going to give him the services he needs and he socializes well with other kids so maybe just being in a more controlled school environment will help him progress.  I have to say that the best therapists we've had is the speech and special instruction teacher very personable organized and professional.  Even the service coordinator can get on my  nerves at times but I bite the bullet for my son's sake.  I want to try to be well prepared for the CPSE meeting so that we're able to get jr what he needs but some of these people can really work your nerves it's all a bunch of red tape and bureaucratic nonsense.  I plan to take a tour of the schools we have in mind and hope that they will allow us to do this.  Last night wasn't easy due to him being sick the terrible coughing and fever he was extremely cranky and I have to remind myself to be patient that he's sick.  I woke up half conscious to get him some children's motrin to lower his fever and he fought me every step of the way but I gave it to him and even being sick he wanted to watch cartoons in the middle of the night I fell back asleep and had it not been for the cell phone alarm I would've have gotten up the bed felt too good and warm.  I hope the doctor's visit goes well and he will prescribe something so he will feel better within a few days.  We also discussed "the situation" when I got home from work and he finally realizes that he has minimized things or didn't come to my defense like he needed to I told him the lady from EAP found a therapist that's literally two minutes from us but I'm also crossing my fingers that he's a good fit.  I wish I can I'm looking forward to the visit but I don't look forward to the disruption and potential drama that can arise even though I'm hanging on to a small thread of optimism.  He mentioned the Sesame Place scenario and he figures that if we're in the theme park it's not that bad than being stuck in a house well in my opinion no means no.  I thought to myself why are you so concerned with what others think and are always trying to save face?  B/C you can't handle someone asking why I'm not there maybe they need to hear the ugly truth!  I was really looking forward to Sesame Place but he says the weather may not be cooperating next week and wants to do a BBQ which I'm definitely avoiding like the plague b/c of the work, expensive, and close interaction with them are definitely a NO for me.  I'm trying think of a back up place we can go and I sure hope I don't come up short.  I definitely want to start thinking about what we're going to do for the summer time and I wish my vacation time accruals would hurry up and accumulate b/c I'd rather take paid time off b/c I can feel that it's time for us to take another break even though it never seems long enough in my opinion.  Maybe if time permits this weekend I can finally get a mani and pedi b/c I'm long over due.  Another fiasco is our temporary move to downstairs while windows are replaced I HATE moving any kind office, house, etc.  it's such a disruption and inconvenience and I sure hope it's done fast b/c I don't look forward to being surrounded by ppl who can be taken only in the smallest of doses for 2-4 weeks but if we're going on a city time line this can definitely turn into 2-3 months HELP!!!  Well it's friday and today I will treat myself to a slice of pizza as I've brought my lunch the whole week hopefully next week I will get to do some much needed retail therapy for myself. 

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