Thursday, May 26, 2011

sunny Thursday

It's Thursday and its going to be another 80 degree day out. I'm on my train hoping this ac kicks in soon b/c it was excellent on the bus. I tried to catch the earlier bus but couldn't maybe tomorrow I can. I'm feeling much better just wish that the medicine wouldn't affect my stomach so much but like most medicines they fix one thing but mess up something else. Yesterday was a long day I sure wish I could've stayed home when I arrive at work it was mass chaos of boxes paper and other messes all for a temp relocation my personal "thanks" to the mayor for wanting to replace windows he couldn't have waited until we moved at the end of the year for this. I did a massive shredding and threw out junk. Looking at the sign on the train I wish I was doing better timing not even close to the city yet. After this I gave my desk a good cleaning and helped packed crates and when I saw our temp space it was filthy can't believe how nasty some ppl are I sprayed it down and cleaned several times cleaned overhead compartment. I left my stuff in crate no keys for the drawers. I can't say I'm happy about it b/c I don't like a lot of those ppl down there but I will grin bear it and ignore. After I left I was happy to get a seat on my ride home I sure needed it. I came home and evaluator was outside and I didn't like her she was there a little over a half hour I guess they all have their own style I prefer our therapist we have now she is young fresh perspective and Jr and she have a great connection. Today will be the last evaluation and I'm hoping I will have a different sentiment about this one I don't understand why all of these different ppl need to come in I can see initially but I think the current therapist can speak on their progress much better than some random person. My concern is I just don't want this to affect what services he gets. I look forward to the long weekend and looking at the forecast we will have our first taste of 90 degree weather next week so we put up the ac just in time just not looking forward to higher con ed bills but that's the heat for you. It's a quarter to eight and train is on the bridge hope I make it in by 5 minutes after 8. Hope this day will be calmer than yesterday.
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