Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May is here

May has arrived and I can't believe we're already 5 months in to the year, where is the time going?  My mother's birthday is around the corner and mother's day and I have no idea what to get, my grandfather's birthday was yesterday and I feel guilty that I didn't get around to calling him but I will send him a belated card so many things going on I forget and don't mean to.  The end of week didn't end well for me as I went to the dentist after work to get 3 wisdom teeth out and I had to deal with the very unprofessional down attitude of this dental office I won't mention their name out of risk that I can get into trouble but for anyone who is familiar with lower manhattan is right across from city hall park I was waiting well after 5:00 which kind of defeats the purpose of appointments doesn't it? I was nervous b/c I hate the dentist with a passion I don't know anyone who looks forward to going to the dentist or the gynecologist but we need to see both.  I don't like dentists b/c I've had a lot of negative experiences with dentist who have a bad bed side manner, staff that is detached and has the same issue.  My teeth aren't in the best shape due to lack of insurance between jobs, etc. but I guess better late than never to take care of them I got a little off topic but I sign in and the wait seems like forever making me even more nervous I get the bomb dropped on me that insurance won't cover sedation! I thought wtf are you kidding me?  Who wants to go through invasive dental work and be conscious I sure didn't and I was told I had to pay $250 up front if I wanted it so I had no choice but to opt for local anesthesia.  When I was in the room the dentist came in and stuck those needles in my mouth it was horrible and it hurt a lot very traumatic for me lots of pulling and tugging and I was out within 15 minutes in a hell of a lot of pain with a bunch of gauze in my mouth.  I don't get these insurance companies why would you not cover something like sedation there are people who are very fearful and nervous patients and dr cant work on them without it.  I prefer to be sedated and after Friday's experience I think I will be holding off on getting the last one pulled until I'm able to negotiate with the insurance on either them covering it or at least getting reimbursed for cost even if its' only half.  It didn't help that I had to deal with his bs complaining of having to come into the city to pick me up but I was only in pain some ppl can be real aholes sometimes.  Next morning I get up to go the pharmacy to get my pain killers they don't open till 9 I went to quest to get some blood taken out and I was told the dr office would get the results in 3 days.  I know I don't have cholesterol or sugar problems perhaps the morons should've listened when I said I had eaten.  I went to take my blood pressure at rite aid it read 114/81 and pulse 93.  it was higher at the dr office but it could've been b/c I ate and was aggravated.  Once I got the vicodin for the pain I felt very relieved but they don't tell you that vicodin makes you sleepy and it alters your mood I found myself very irritable and snappy.  I then made the mistake of taking it yesterday at work and I felt like going to the back cubicle and falling asleep.  I did some work but I was extremely lazy and tired lesson learned leave the vicodin at home.  I had the fun experience of learning that I didn't have enough deductions to buy my monthly pass and had the annoying experience of getting on the bus with jr only to have a zero balance on my card metro cards shouldn't say that they're good until 5/3/11 I took that as meaning I'd have till 5/4 to get a new card so b/c we got three paycheck and only two deductions I had to fund the card with the difference which is totally unfair and defeats the purpose of having the transit card in my opinion.  This weekend I did some shopping at Walmart got all of the things needed in the house and Sunday I did some retail therapy for me and got me a pair of shoes from aerosoles.  They're very comfortable and were on sale double bonus I'm going to start doing more for me as I find I'm always doing this thing that, going here paying this bill and rarely anything for myself.  I know I said May was a no soda month but I cheated the first few days lol with 7up but as soon as it's finished no more.  I got a ton of crystal light a case of water to motivate me and diet cranberry juice.  I've become label obsessed reading the content of a lot of things and it makes me think before I put a lot of things in my mouth but candy is my weakness so is snacking.  My next step is to finally get my a** to the gym and sign up.  The evaluation process for jr is starting last night the speech therapist started her first half of testing which he did well on most of it some he didn't answer what they asked and the test got harder as it went on,  Thursday he will get his DAY-C assessment and next week the psychologist does his evaluation I'm anxious to get all of the findings and reports to see where he's at and how much progress he's made.  While I'm no professional I know he's made progress when he began therapy in January he barely said a handful of words and his vocabulary has increased and he's combining words it's a slow and steady process but in the end I think he will get into the program that will help him reach his full potential.  Today this weather isn't good it's gray rainy and that doesn't do much for my mood or motivation well it's past 9 and it's time to get to work.  Hope this day is a smooth one.

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