Tuesday, May 24, 2011

what a way to start a week

This weekend was the usual cleaning up and organizing and taking the usual humongous loads of laundry to drop off yes that's right drop off b/c I have no time or the patience for laundry when I have a million other things to do on the weekends when you work full time you really don't have time for much during the week and for some reason laundry piles up in this house like crazy and we only have one child who also dirties a lot of clothes I can imagine if we had another.  I see people coming in with huge sacks of clothes and spending hours in the laundromat and I used to be one of those people and it's not only the washing of the clothes it's dealing with the assholes who go to the laundromat, the machine and dryer hogs, then folding and then if it's crowded try doing this with an infant in a stroller who cries and needs to be changed and fed I said screw this bs.  One day we had a shit load of things to do and I packed up the huge bags and told him to drop them off and guess what it was $5 extra on top on what I usually paid and I never looked back since then.  I still go the laundry to wash things I don't dry like my nice blouses, unmentionables, uniforms, but that's it wash and hang up and gtho!  Well I went on a laundry tangent there but this weekend the mil arrived and I guess things were ok but awkward as they usually are the next day they went to PA to see his brother and I've expressed to him several times why I don't want to go over there you'd think he get it by now.  He tells her why and she tells him oh that's not going to happen again and that's family, etc. etc. etc.  I don't give a shit! It's very frustrating how people just don't get it and how they think they can strong arm you into doing something you don't want to do.  I was exhausted and I took Sunday for me little did I know I was getting sick.  I went to get my nails done and when I came back I started to have chills and major body aches and my throat felt sore.  Yesterday I had to drag myself out of bed to get jr ready to drop him off at the sitter only to get on a bus and have to stand b/c courtesy is not contagious at all these days and feeling like crap on top of that drop him off and walk back home with body aches which is a quick walk took forever I decided to go to the dr and had to wait and I hate dr offices due to the wait I finally get called and told I have tonsillitis  and was given an antibiotic and I left got a note for work and was told I was contagious for 24 hrs. so I go back to work tomorrow.  I would've liked to have taken 2 days off under better circumstances. I noticed I lost 10 lbs when they weighed me yesterday so I guess cutting out soda or switching to diet and drinking water helps!  I had to be away from jr last night and that was very hard for me and he came into the room and I put my blanket over my mouth.  All I've had an appetite for was jello, juice, Lipton soup.  Today I feel a little bit better but these medications fix one thing and mess up something else.  Tomorrow I go back to work and I wish I would've stood out all week but time flies by when you're at home but drags on at work.  We're being temporarily relocated while they replace windows on our floor and I'm not one bit excited about this but we have to deal with it I wish I wouldn't have gotten sick b/c I wanted to pack up what I needed with enough time now I have to rush everything. *sigh* I hope it will just be for a month but as I've said in a previous blog if we're going on city time it could go for 2-3 months.  This week was back to back evaluations for Jr in preparation for the evaluation and I got a text from therapist canceling today's session she is sick so I guess there must be something going around.  First jr now me so we have to reschedule now I have to call the one who sounds like she has a major attitude b/c ms. professional didn't have the courtesy to return my call and confirm the appointment.  You blow up my house phone and aren't getting a response why not try the cell I can bet the "coordinator" didn't give it to u and after all the blowing of up phones I call u and you don't return a call ok.  The nonsense I put up with for my child's sake. I hope all of the evaluations work out for the rest of the week and this weekend is Memorial Day weekend which means an extra day off for me hooray but I wish the weather predicted a better forecast and I'm pissed off b/c our original plan was to go to Sesame Place and he mentioned the weather and I'm a little pissed off b/c he wants to do a bbq a.k.a a three ring circus.  BBQ's are a lot of work and expense and try getting a bunch of ppl together to either actually show up or help you bring stuff to ease the cost of things neither has easily happened so thanks but no thanks  I even suggested going to the bronx zoo or big apple circus all I know is I'm crossing my fingers that the weather cooperates Sesame Place is a better option and I'm hoping the weather cooperates jr will enjoy it and I revert back to my child hood days of watching Sesame Street and looking at all the characters.

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