Friday, May 27, 2011

the ride home

On my ride home and I have to say that I'm glad for the long weekend I could sure use the rest. I'm crossing my fingers that the weather cooperates for our outing tomorrow. The weather is beautiful I went to old navy today at lunch and got some good deals for Jr our former mgr brought the baby in and she's so adorable kind of made me want another one than I came back to earth there are times like now that you encounter the most annoying ppl on the subway I'm like stfu do I really need to hear your call or stupid conversation on my ride to old navy today this guy felt the need to tell the subway car about his male lap dance and I'm like wtf are u kidding me? Some things are meant to be shared in public that's NOT one of them. The remainder of the office move took place today and one big cluster **** of disorganization and incompetence. The welcome wagon to our temp space came to a screeching halt when the jerk who will remain nameless didn't want to share storage space we need for our files and materials for mailings and I give kudos to my boss and new mgr for handling it like professionals b/c said idiot wouldn't know the meaning of that word if it bite him long story short we have our space and most of these ppl down there can be taken in small doses but that's it so I hope June will fly by and the workers will work fast. I said gnite to all a few didn't acknowledge which I attribute to lack of manners etc but I said my peace and left we can try to be courteous but that's it. At the end of the day a fan club is nice but its not necessary if u like me great if not f off but my paycheck is very necessary and you don't sign it or maintain my household. I'm half way through my ride and the train has emptied out significantly and quieted down which I love. I can't wait to get home and relax we probably going out for dinner which is great b/c I sure don't feel like cooking I actually never do lol. I'd rather clean than cook. Well off to begin my wknd
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  1. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It's back to work today for me (Trying to stay calm) lol

  2. I've been trying to stay calm too not always easy
