Friday, April 29, 2011

one month over another begins

It's a sunny Friday morning and I can't believe it's already the end of April.  Seems like time is flying by so fast seems like just yesterday it was Apr 1 but I'm glad for one thing that most of the cold weather is gone and we can start wearing lighter clothing.  Spring weather is the best b/c it's not too hot and not too cold Summer is hot and if you have no a/c forget about it.  I'm still on the search for a spring jacket but it seems like I see everything on line but nothing in the stores.  Sometimes I will order off line and I can't wait for something to come but a jacket isn't one of those things.  I saw some shoes I liked at Easy Spirit and yes you may think old lady shoes but their shoes have evolved and changed a lot I need supportive shoes b/c of my bad ankle that I injured twice and you really do need supportive shoes to walk all of these city blocks for your feet not to bother you so much.  I really want to change my style and dress a little bit more casual most of the time I wear jeans t shirt and my coat now hoody b/c it's warmer.  I'm definitely not high maitenance at all I don't care much about labels or current styles I go by if I like something can be in style and you don't have to necessarily like it or the style may not be right for you, your body type, etc.  Since I'm about to engage on a exercise and health crusade I really don't want to buy too many things b/c I don't know how much or fast I will lose some weight and who wants to be stuck with a whole bunch of clothes you will not use.   I briefly looked at the weight watcher point system online and it seems like it's easy to follow if I can have a body like Jennifer Hudson or any other celebrity endorser I will try following it not religiously but I will do a trial run when and if they put the stuff on sale at the supermarket.  Another thing I'd like to invest in my own exercise weights, while they have some at the gym there's nothing like having your own and you don't have to worry about not having any b/c all of them are taken if you arrive late for a class.  Another thing I will give up this coming month is soda as I've said my previous posting.  It's going to be so hard b/c I love Pepsi but soda is really not good for you and is packed with calories my mother has challenged me to do this so I will give it up for a month and see if I lose anything.  Gaining weight is easy losing it is hard.  I'm not sure if it's the effects of the bad economy or a strained fiscal budget but Administrative Professionals Day came and went and there was nothing here to honor the employees as there had been in previous years and I thought that was totally unfair b/c we all work hard to keep things going here I know I work very hard but as a group we all keep our unit going and not to make tribute to that is really lame in my opinion.  It is the little people who do the work and the management (the mortal enemy of the work force)  sits on their asses in their leather chairs take the credit for the numbers, etc.   Not even a mention about bringing your kids to work day as was done in the past, even though I don't particuarly favor this thing b/c people tend to act like idiots and forget that they're at work and I think overall people tend to lose their head when their kids are around.  While it's a great thing to show kids it also like everything else has it's drawbacks.  Everyone should get praise for a job well done even in a struggling economy but to hear nothing it makes me feel like what I do or what any of us does means nothing or that we're that replaceable.  I was put in an akward situation to give soemthing to a worker that had stopped speaking with me that I've mentioned on previous blogs and the lines of communication are open but very limited I'm sure that will change eventually maybe not but I've learned a hard lesson keep your mouth shut and while you may think you're trying to put some on or help them not everyone interprets things like this.  While I know I wouldn't have reacted to a comment like that that's me as time passes I wanted to kick my own ass for not knowing better b/c most of the time I do keep my mouth shut but no one is perfect.  Maybe limited is best at work.  Mother's Day my mother's birthday and my grandfather's birthday are all around the corner.  I have no idea of what to get my mother for both occasions and I sure wish I could see her for mother's day but funds and accumulated time are low so I guess I will have to wait for the summer or when I have more time in the bank. *sigh*  It's already in the 90's in Florida I can't say I'm surprised but it's different over there you have central a/c and community pools and parks in abundance.  I look forward to going to soak up the florida sun and get a break from city life but I think this time I want to do some exploring in Orlando we'll see what this summer brings.  I was looking at El Museo Del Barrio in Harlem and I'm so anxious to visit it as it's the only museum dedicated to Puerto Rican and Latino heritage.  I briefly browsed their web site and they have very nice exhibits but I want to get more in touch with my roots b/c many times people are so concentrated on assimilation that they forget who they are in the process.  I was born here in NYC and I only made one trip to PR as a small child that I don't remember b/c I was so little.  My parents never took us back or I never had exposure to my other side of the family which was more traditional and ethnic.  My only connection is to my mother's side of the family and my grandparents who told us about the island and their experiences growing up there and coming to the NYC in the 50's and of course eating the food , etc.  but that's nothing compared to going seeing and exploring things I think in their minds they wanted a better life so they came here for that but they and many other families neglect to instill the importance of culture and roots, "in order to know where you're going in life you have to know where you come from ".   I'm probably the only one of my cousins who actually speaks and understands Spanish.   While I don't sound like the Rosetta Stone which most tutorials to learn Spanish are based on Castilian Spanish of Spain.  So many countries speak Spanish but we do it in our own way so it can get confusing at times b/c there are so many words for one word based on where we come from.  I notice here in NYC we also use a lot of slang terms in Spanish but it isn't proper speaking and it's looked down on especially from people of the older generation.  I remember once a college professor for Spanish who was from Spain saying that our Spanish wasn't good or correct and mind you the majority of the class were native speakers very interesting.  I think we can all learn from each other I know I've picked up some terms along the way not native to pr spanish but that's a part of living here and being exposed to so many different people and I think that's a great thing we have the diversity.   I'm going to make the time to visit El Museo Del Barrio and make that connection and I will take as many pictures as I can and upload them to share.  Well I've got to get back to work I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out today and I'm sooo not looking forward to that what a way to spoil a weekend!  but it's either now or never.!

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