Thursday, January 20, 2011

another day another dollar

This morning began with me getting ready to go work and my son putting me through wringer yet again, he wanted to take his leap frog computer with us and when I took it away all hell broke loose.  I missed my bus again and I hoped I wouldn't be too late but it doesn't help my commute timing when the idiots at metropolitan ave decide to start mopping the trains and posting signs. I'm wtf is wrong with the MTA well I have a laundry list but seriously this is rush hour? can't you post notices on off hours and same with cleaning the cars especially mopping them many times they don't even do this and I can make great timing on the bus and the train stalls there it's so aggravating.  This leaves me little time to make a stop at dunkin donuts the atm or any other quick stop before I get to work and then throw in the elevators acting up.  On my ride to work I noticed a woman coming in with two small children and then I noticed some rude ghetto bitch accusing her of pushing her I thought to myself gtfo it's way too early in the morning for this shit.  I looked and she didn't push her at all this has happened although not to the extreme as this stupid idiot did first of all she looked like a hs student and the woman argued back I think people target certain people for different reasons a lot of times people underestimate ppl and think they won't fight back well I think she was wrong for doing that and if someone came near my kid and stroller I would go off.  These are the reasons I avoid the subways like the plague with my child.  Not only are they filthy and full of germs they're also full of a-holes and crazy people.   After that episode I see another einstein get on with leggings low cut socks and low top sneakers exposing her ankles wtf is that? did you get dressed in the dark? Well my train gets to my transfer point in which I catch the 6 and it stalls wonderful for me and I'm trying not to think about the minutes passing by and how long I will have to stay behind.  I finally get to my stop and I walk to dunkin donuts which I dread b/c there are two clerks there that I can't stand they're both very rude and I've come close to cursing one of them out well I get on line to order my stuff and she's trying to get my order but still talking to someone else so she obviously didn't hear me she tells the other with an attitude to take my order I'm like whatever at this point I don't give a **** who does it just give me my stuff so I can gtfo.  I take my stuff get my metro and am ny and off to work.  I show my id to the guards who in my opinion are a bunch of rude aholes and proceed to the elevator when I punch in 8 minutes which I hate b/c after 4 the clock moves soooo slow for me to leave.  I get to my desk unwind and warm up check my e-mail check a few web pgs and I begin my work and this week I've done at lot of work which I also did today and of course due to printer malfunction we're all connected to the same printer and it's too much work for these lazy clockwatcher to sort through the print outs and sort out what's theirs.  We ran out of toner b/c of this and now the person in charge of computer dept says he's not going to order a new printer and I'm like gtfo you'd rather wait for a part for a printer that we know is on it's last leg than order a new one I told my co worker he acts as if he's paying for the printer out of his pocket he needs to authorize the purchase of a new one so that all of us will be able to get the job done all of this stupidity and dealing with the mundane of every day.By the end of the day I was tired I printed out my daily reports and was ready to get out of there but had to stay 8 extra minutes that usually can make me miss the train   Went to quiznos sub today to get my favorite chicken carbonora sub which tastes great every time, tried their soup the last time also great.  Then I find out I had to pick up jr b/c he got stuck late at work which I dread but then I got a ride which made my life so much easier.  He then brought some pio pio chicken which tastes so good but it will make you thirsty like crazy we all had some then jr decides to dump his food on the floor and I'm already feeling tired but he cleaned it up.  I gave him a bath read him books and off to bed.  Tomorrow we're expecting more snow and I'm glad that I will have a break from dropping him off this is rare but when it happens I make sure to always catch the early train which most people are still asleep or barely conscious and it's nice and quiet and I get to the city nice and early b/c I definitely want to get to work on time on friday so that I may leave exactly at 4.  We're watching NCIS and I should've been in bed a half hr ago but there goes the insomnia again well I had better get to bed or I won't be up on time tomorrow.  The things we deal with in a day it's ridiculous sometimes.

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