Saturday, January 29, 2011

not enough hours in a day

Today I was tossing and turning in bed and of course my son has to wake up at a quarter to 7 on a saturday morning I predicted right last night that I wouldn't be able to sleep in.  I take him out of the crib change him and bring him to the livingroom which he will take a perfectly neat and clean room and destroy within minutes.  I then sit on the couch watch some NY1 news and go to a show called ghost story or something similar and it talked about places that were haunted and the history behind it was very interesting but some people continued to live in these homes and that's something I sure wouldn't do.  All I have to do is experience something bad and I'm out of there.  I then put the cartoons on for jr and proceeded to make breakfast after this I began cleaning the dish drainer in the tub with bleach and did my bathroom also with bleach and wow do you need some serious ventilation or you start coughing and choking right away.  I knew I needed to get groceries for the house and boy I do hate grocery shopping.  I went to BJ's got some food and other household items there, got the meat at golden mango and my final stop was stop & shop and that place was like a mad house I have to admit that they have pretty good sales when they do have them other than that you will not see me in there b/c they're way over priced.  I grab out my list of sales items I printed off the internet and off I go to find everything sometimes I will not get everything especially if the size isn't big or for any other reason I'm done and I go to checkout and I'm telling you it must be a contagious disease all supermarkets have not enough cashiers these morons at this place had a whole bunch of express lines for 12 items or less and 2 full service lines. 2 on a Saturday that's unbelievable!!! and it always seems like I always get on the best lines with the slowest cashier or the most annoying customers or the ones who fight over a few cents very aggravating indeed I felt like throwing a case of soda at one occassion at a particularly neurotic annoying very cheap customer I know it sounds violent but come on some ppl just are ridiculous and as I've said before if you want to nickle and dime and be annoying please do it between the hours of 7-2 pm mon-friday when the rest of us are at work lol.  So after that painfully annoying task of grocery shopping was completed we get home and jr continues to misbehave and i'm exhausted at this point he gets home and starts bsing about how I didn't put away the laundry and some other shit now if I didn't have company in the house I probably would've cursed him out I thought he was being a real prick considering the tiring day I had so **** what it wasn't put away I could've done it the next day.  You may love your significant other but they also know how to work your nerves.  Mine knows I can't stand his nit picking, over reactions, and at times when he just doesn't know when to stfu.  I don't like arguing but sometimes he just pushes my buttons and I explode.  After they left our home I let him have it.  I have enough things going during the week and enough nonsense to do on the weekends the last thing I want to hear someones criticism and nit picking.  Men think it's so easy to get everything done, oh I did all of this in this amount of time etc. whatever blah blah blah things take time and when kids don't cooperate they take even longer. There are only so many things you can do in a day we were supposed to take jr to the barber to get a hair cut that's going to be done tomorrow.  I also had to bathe him and put him to bed.  I know I'm not going to have no problem falling asleep tonight and I sure hope that he will try to sleep in a little later tomorrow,.  I heard that there were some major issues going on with corrections department in the area of Florida we were looking to move to that's not a good thing I'm really starting to think that maybe this is a bad idea to relocate it seems like there is no job stability anywhere these days.  I also listen when I call and I know things are back to the same way they were before we arrived down there, a leopard doesn't change their spots as they say and I know that there is increasing pressure for them to get things together and she's stressed out but she doesn't get that they're seeing that he is not putting in any effort to do anything and people get tired of that shit family or not I know I would.  I try to be sympathetic, etc. but sometimes enough is enough.  There are times I don't want to hear anymore b/c it can get redundant at times things are hard enough for me too and while I don't have those types of problems after a while you get tired of seeing someone not doing anything and the first month of the year is almost over, what happened to the new year new start? It's a crock of bs in my opinion for a lot of people after the first week or so people fall back into the same bs exactly what I see here.  I find myself in a difficult spot b/c I want to relocate but I don't want to make a mistake and I think if it wasn't for us thinking of this I doubt he would want to look for another place and I do.  I'm tired of these stupid tenants we have they're loud, rude, annoying and I want a more modern apartment not some relic with wood paneling like I have now.  I also think about going to refresh my healthcare courses so many things to think about sometimes I feel like I have the world on my shoulders.  There are times when I wish I could just leave everything behind or have a few days to my self I appreciate being along a lot more now than before since it's not very often I get time to myself.  The year is still brand new but times goes by fast.  I sure hope things start to fall into place eventually b/c I need to know what direction to go, I know I'm tired burned out and need some time to regroup and a brief vacation isn't long enough for me especially when you're not alone or with friends.  Well it's after 10 and I had better get some rest so that I will be able to get up when jr does. 

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