Friday, January 28, 2011

long week, city incompetence, snow related annoyances

This has been one heck of a week one filled with annoyances of every possible kind and I'm glad it has come to an end and the weekend has arrived.  Being late 3 times in a week, doing work out of title, receiving the wrong chinese food order when I already had an aggravating enough day at work, city declares a snow day yesterday due to the ton of snow we got and our mayor and his very competent administration (note the sarcasm) and I get an automated response almost 3 pm saying it's ok for us to report to work are you freaking kidding me??? There was no bus service yesterday and even if there was there was tons of snow everywhere there was no way I could come in.  This is not fair to anyone especially people with kids and people whose train lines were suspended, etc.  and now they're saying they're still "deciding" if they're going to pay us or not.  I was like wtf!!! This mofo earns a $1 yr. and is a multi billionaire who the **** does he think he is that he can get away with out paying the city workers you're the ahole who made the decision and closed down the non emergency offices and now you think you're going to stiff us.  A mgr in the office was pissed off and he says the union may get involved I sure hope so b/c this is not fair to us.  We don't earn big time salaries and have expenses.  The whole automated response system was a disorganized incompetent mess but with the city it's not surprising always incompetent, a day late and a $1 short.  I'm so sick of this man thinking he can make up the rules as he goes along.  He changed the term limits to suit his benefit and has switched parties democrat, republican and now independent and in my opinion full of pure shit!!!!.  You can't run a city like your corporate business the same rules don't apply.  I hope they're able to resolve this situation b/c there are going to be a lot of angry people at work.  I'm so tired of this snow already as you can see look at all of the problems it causes transportation issues, roads need to be plowed, etc. and the only real good clean up effort they do is in Manhattan take a look around your areas if you live in any other area of the city.  Queens has one of the worst clean up efforts with big heaps of snow, snow plows coming in to plow the streets and trapping cars who probably were already dug out local aholes who don't know how to shovel contribute to this problem.  I can't get why they don't have snow melters. Today wasn't an easy morning for me I sure didn't feel like getting out of bed I get us ready and I get outside and I had to wait what seemed like an eternity for him to dig out the car b/c the plows buried it yet again which made me late to work I was fuming and due to the big mountains of snow he had to pull up to the end of block for us to get in the car so some cab driver starts yelling at my husband to move out of the way that he was blocking and he very well sees me coming with jr and he tells him has a kid he still continues running at the mouth and I was already aggravated that I was running very late so I went off I said look you f* ahole cant you see that I have a kid and need to put him in the car, and various other expletives I think he eventually turned on to the other street not my most shining moment but some people are really selfish and inconsiderate in a rush to go no where the fun really began when we pull up to the sitter's house who on her block had 4 huge piles of snow they looked like mountains I literally had to slide down a heap of snow with jr to get to the front with my knees getting wet all of this fun before I even get to work.  I wore my new sorel caribou boots and they're very cubersome and bulky I felt like a darn lumberjack but they did keep my feet dry. I think if I would've had more time I wouldn't have bought them when I get off at my stop I start slipped and sliding on the walkway by the transfer point of the number trains I thought I'd slip and bust my a**more excitement to add to my day lol but I didn't.  I finally get to work 11 minutes late and settle in and of course time always flies when you're late and those last few minutes feel like an eternity.  Lunch time comes I go to get some pizza I treated myself to chicken slice from Little Italy got a hot chocolate and went back to my desk.  I worked through the afternoon and after I was all done printed out some coupons grocery list and when my time went punched out.  I get to the train station and i can't believe that someone who left way before I did was still waiting for the infamous J train more city incompetence.  She got to sit when someone else gets off I sit with her and we're talking and I notice some idiot standing in front of us rolling her eyes while we were in conversation and I thought don't you have head phones on? Neither one of us was talking loud, etc.  I felt like why don't you turn on some music if you don't like what we're saying, move, or myob.  but my rational side comes over me and says ignore this freaking idiot the majority of aholes on the subway aren't worth your time.  A new slogan for the MTA should be billions billions of aholes riders and workers alike. I finally get back to the neighborhood meet up with him we pick up the laundry, jr, and take out from peruvian chicken place pio pio love their food but as I've said before on here it makes you very thirsty.  We all ate watched our show The People's Court and then I had to change jr and get him ready for his bath, put his pjs on and his father read to him and put him to bed. .  I feel relieved that this week has finally come to a close and he did all of the cleaning to which I'm eternally grateful only thing left for me to do is clean the bathroom get some extra rest tomorrow but knowing my son that probably will not happen.  I'm looking to get some things at the supermarket tomorrow but I'm kind of hesistating due to it being the weekend. We'll see what happens. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW.. what a week. Mine wasn't so great either (1st week back to school -__-). I had my fair share of this school's incompetence (instructors, nursing staff, changes made to our schedule and switch of teachers AGAIN!!! It was disastrous. Anyway, must talk soon!
