Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MTA didn't go my way again

Today I hoped I would have an uneventful commute, it was too much to ask for the MTA to do it's job and get me to work on time.  My first train I was on was running like a turtle and when I finally get to my transfer point there was one big cluster **** on the downtown 6 service.  I hear an announcement that a downtown train is coming and not only does it come by it bypasses all of us.  I was like wtf!!!!! I as well as everyone else had to wait on that narrow platform which isn't safe for the next 6 train which of course went local and due to all of this crap I was 15 minutes late to work.  I was so annoyed and aggravated especially that today was jr speech therapy session.  I managed to make it here after 5 which isn't too bad.  Tomorrow we're expecting snow and bad weather and I worry b/c this may be day 3 that I'm late to work b/c MTA can't even do their freaking job when the weather is good expecting competent service during a snow storm is way too much to ask.  I punched in and I went back outside to dunkin donuts to get my usual hot chocolate and donut and ms congenialty charges me only for the hot chocolate but not the donut and I then said what did you charge me for?What I really felt like saying is get your head of your a**!  I gave her another dollar for the donut, isn't that ridiculous a $1 for a donut I remember when they were so cheap.  I grab my daily metro and am ny and off to work and begin my day.  When you're late or you oversleep your whole day is thrown off and 4:00 comes way faster for everyone else who was lucky to arrive on time.  I then start my day and I attempt to go into our system and I get a bunch of error msgs and I'm think now this nonsense do you think it occured to anyone to alert anyone in systems? Nope.  If it weren't for the fact that I took a screen shot of the pg and emailed the head of systems it wouldn't have gotten fixed.  This is type of crap that annoys me at times and I'm not trying to pat myself on the back b/c I did that but come one we all have work to do and in life you need to take initiative and it's sad that no one takes the iniative.  I got a ride to pick jr up at the sitter which I'm eternally grateful for any chance I get that I don't have to deal with the mta I live for the moment we got home just in time and his second session was good he repeated more words but still has to work at self control b/c he started to get distracted very easily we also thought that a half hr isn't enough so this is something that I'm going to address this with the service coordinator.  I managed to get all the mail done by lunch 125 letters to be exact and I headed to a store called tents & trails where I went to look at some boots and the north face coats and I tried on a long black metropolis coat and while I like black I was hoping that they had other colors but they didn't in plus sizes darn! It was 200+ so I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet I may go back and put it on lay away I've realized that I want to start taking more pride in my appearance and buying better things I work hard for my money and it goes to many things especially stuff for jr household items bills etc. but rarely anything for me and while I'm not going to be ghetto fabulous I'd like to treat myself to a good thing once in a while b/c good things cost money they don't make things like they used to Totes used to be good boots now they stink, the materials are cheap, they aren't true to size which is why they were returned you have to spend 100 and up for good boots or foot wear period sad but true.  He came home and we were exhausted he ordered a pizza for all of us I gave jr his bath read him some stories and he fell asleep pretty fast and we watched some tv and I saw a little bit of the president's state of the union address and I was impressed with it but as a country we have a lot of work to do, we used to be on the very top and now it's embarrassing how things have gotten.  It's going to take a long time to get this country back to the way it was and it may never fully get there due to the carelessness and crooks of corporate america and wall street but it's high time people of both sides especially the red side realize that there is no quick fix to the economy or any other situation it's going to take a lot of hard work and time and no matter who is responsible the problem is here now get to work and start to fix it and get our country back on track.  On that note it's been a tiring day with a very mentally exhausting beginning and I'm off to shower and to hit the bed I hope the snow isn't too bad tomorrow.  I'll be aiming to get to work on time again for the 3rd day in a row let's see if that actually happens.

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