Sunday, January 23, 2011

weekends fly by too fast

The weekend has come to a close and this weekend we got to spend some couples time together going to the movies and to the olive garden for dinner this is a rare occurence but I cherish it when it happens.  We don't get to have time alone like that and I can see how it's very easy for people to get so wrapped up in the daily rat race, dealing with their kid or kids, running errands, house work, etc.  and they barely take time out for each other.  It felt weird not having our son with us b/c he goes everywhere with us he's even been with us to the olive garden.  It felt nice to have some adult time alone.  We spoke about the relocation if it's going to happen or not, and many other topics and we're still unsure about a lot of things.  The dinner was great their soups and excellent and their desserts are decadent and delicious.  When I left I was stuffed, we both were and we went to the sports authority where I treated myself to a pair of sorel boots that were quite expensive but I look at this way it's nice to spoil yourself once in a while it felt good to buy something for myself for a change rather than paying a bill or buying other things.  Then to walmart to pick up household stuff and I couldn't believe how crowded it was the check out lines were outrageous and I came across my pet peeve yet again not enough cashiers open I mean seriously it's Saturday!!! You have 20 lines all 20 should be open especially at the height of the weekend rush and you have idiots trying to jump the line or to express line where it moving slower than a tortoise I have an idea einstein why not self check out lol ah new yorkers most of us have zero patience and are in a rush to go absolutely no where! We then proceeded to home depot which I hate that store b/c it stinks and I have no idea about anything having do with hardware, repair, building, etc. to get a replacement part and after that it was off to the movies we saw the Green Hornet it was an okay movie the special effects were a little overdone and it was a so called 3D movie I think maybe one or two things were 3D kind of disappointing in that area.  When we arrived home our son was still up and wasn't happy when his father put him in his crib he cried for a few minutes but then conked out.  Last night I felt really tired and my lovely neighbors were blasting their music for 3 hours you'd think there was a latin quarter on the 1st floor of this building and I opened the door and I hear all of this loud talking, etc. and I'm like wtf is this shit? It's after midnight.  I wanted to call the cops so bad.  This is a total lack of respect and consideration for the other tenants in the building.  I tried filing a noise complaint through 311 and that was a freaking joke I never got through to a human being and I was just so frustrated.  I like music just as much as the next person but not late at night when other people are sleeping or during the work week. I went to bed late last night and I sure didn't feel like getting up this morning but despite going to bed late jr woke up at 7:45 and I had to drag myself out of bed *sigh*.  I made him his breakfast played and after a while I really started to feel tired it was the afternoon and I put him in his crib and he cried and cried and after a while he fell asleep and slept for a few hours.  I should've done the same.  A family member came over and I got dressed and went outside for a while to get some fresh air and a break who would want to go out in this cold but trust me when you need a breather like I did the cold is the least of your concerns.  We had dinner which they prepared afterward I felt so tired I felt my eyes close that usually happens after you've had a good meal I struggled to stay awake since jr was still up.  I changed him and gave him a bath dressed him in pjs read him some books and off to bed.  Now I finally have some down time and according to my regular schedule I should've been in a bed a while ago.  I brought my clothes out to the livingrm for tomorrow morning so I won't have to search for anything in the dark and half asleep.  Watching bits and pieces of Hawaii Five O love that show but it's 11:00 and I have to start getting ready for bed going to hit the shower and catch some zzzz's make sure my cell phone alarm is set extra loud b/c it's Monday and I'm slower moving than any other day of the week.  Tomorrow will be frigid temps again, not looking fwd to it.

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