Monday, January 17, 2011

no down time today

I was looking forward to this weekend as it was a long weekend to rest and relax but saturday was the usual cleaning of this house which I hate to do and run some errands.  It's getting to the point that I hate going to the stores b/c they never seem to have what I want but I always seem to find the right color size, etc. online in the comfort of home with no long register lines or annoying customers.  Yesterday I went to bj's to pick up a case of water pull ups and a few snacks.  Why is it that the express line in the stores is the slowest line? I notice this in every type of store out there.  I also think to myself why do they never have enough cashiers but if someone asks if they're hiring, they don't need any help, it's just plain old incompetence in my opinion do they really think we have time to wait around most of the time none of us want to be bothered with going in the first place.  Today was supposed to be my "me" day well that it didn't work out and now I have to go to work tomorrow morning and it will feel like a monday instead of tuesday.  I spoke to the sitter a few days ago who said she'd be open today and I called to confirm yesterday no response left a msg same outcome sent a text to her daughter no reply either and I was really upset b/c she was the one who said she'd be open I wake up and get my son up call her and she gives me some bs that she just got in and I'm thinking @ 7 am she's full of shit and I got annoyed of course and said you didn't get my msg that I was bringing and I left a msg with your daughter and she started talking a lot of crap and then told me if I wanted to bring him I could but no kids were going to be there I said **** this and her I don't need this crap I can't get how hard it is to return someone's phone call or reply to a msg what if I would've gone out in this freezing cold weather got on the bus with my son for you to say that!!! I would've told them off.  Truth is I haven't been exactly thrilled with their services for a while already and their lack of organization, etc. but I'm like millions of other working parents out there I can't afford the outrageous tuition of pre schools and don't qualify for a voucher b/c I'm married and my husbands income we'd be laughed before the application process began if I applied alone I would qualify but this is not the right thing to do even though people have suggested it to me for every 10,000 people who get away with it I will be the 10,001 person they will catch so I continue to bring him there until I find a better solution or our relocation goal is finalized.  There really needs to be more affordable daycare options out there b/c it's not easy to qualify for a voucher your income has to be pretty low and considering the high cost of living these days especially here in NYC it's tough to get by these days.  My son was pretty bad today refused to take a nap tried for 1 hr 30 minutes to be exact and I was frazzled hungry and was in desperate need of a break it didn't happen till his father got home.  He then tells me this how life as a SAHM would be and I couldn't even handle today and I want to say oh stfu,. there are good days and bad days and this was just a bad day he doesn't always behave like this. Men think being a SAHM is a piece of cake until they have to do it I once remember coming home to a messy house, etc. and he gave the same excuse I did lol not fun when you actually have to do it.  Once he got home we got something for dinner and I retreated to my bedroom to watch some tv and just have some time alone and it made a little difference and the cat decides to come in and hop on the bed to keep me company as she always does and I also think she smelled the cold cuts and wanted some ham and turkey so I gave her some and she vaccumed it of course.  Jr. even gave his father a run for his money to put him to bed and take his medicine just one of those days and I'm glad that it has come to a close that I finally have some downtime to relax before I have to get up and get ready for work tomorrow.   I spoke with the our new service coordinator today and she seems to be a nice person and we discussed his evaluation and speech and special instruction plan.  She works pretty fast b/c I quickly after got a call from a speech therapist and his first session will be tomorrow after work and I'm looking forward to it and I hope he behaves and warms up to her.  I also asked her to research things about early intervention in Florida so I know what their criteria is just in case we need it.  I hope that this coming weekend we will have some downtime to do something besides always cleaning and running household errands if I could only afford maid service and a nanny that's a dream of course.  These are the days I wish my mother still lived here I would've been able to get a break and regroup but maybe that will change in the future we'll see what the coming months bring. 

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