Thursday, January 6, 2011

long day

I sure didn't feel like getting out bed this morning but when do I really? I drag myself out of bed b/c jr is crying in his crib and I got up half hour earlier maybe that's another reason why I feel so run down and maybe I should've given myself an extra few days to rest before I went back to work but I didn't and now I'm paying for it.  Sleep and relaxation does wonders for your body and mind.  Today I go to catch the 6 train and see a woman who needed directions and she asks me where york st is and I think about york st in bklyn but she actually was looking for york ave in the upper east side and I thought wow how did she wind up in lower manhattan? My thing is if you really don't know don't send someone on a wild goose chase.  This fool who ever they were told this lady that the 5 train goes which is not true.  She deemed me her life saver and I was glad I could help.  When I got off at the last stop she followed and I showed her where to catch the 6 she thanked me and I went on my way to work I stopped got breakfast at dunkin donuts since I didn't get time to eat at home my metro and am ny papers and I wish they'd fix that stupid elevator as it made me late once again to work.  I then get to my desk and eat and start my work assembling and stuff mailings is a very tedious process takes me a lot of time sometimes half the morning.  I wish they could come up with a better system.  I was wondering about the meeting with early intervention to discuss the services jr needs I got the report in the mail and I have to admit it was long and a lot of details but we couldnt make the mtg this week so I called to reschedule and since I never got a response I text the service coordinator and I couldn't believe the response she sent back,  it was unprofessional and sarcastic.  I took a deep breath and thought my son needs this help but then I got angry and thought who the heck does this lady think she is to send me a message like this so I sent a mildy sarcastic response and then she replies she's sorry that she thought I knew the date it had been rescheduled which was next thursday 8:45 which i'm kind of pissed off b/c mornings are hard but his father has the day off so he will attend but I'm disappointed since I did want to be present since this is an important step.  There are so many people who have jobs these days that I wonder how they got them in the first place.  They have no professionalism at all.  Some of them don't even know their jobs well it's ridiculous.  You see this is a lot where I work but it's all over.  Today was pay day and I wasn't expecting to get much but I got something which felt good b/c it was a lot more than I expected to receive.  Tomorrow is finally friday and I'm glad I cant wait till the weekend hopefully I will get to sleep in.  Between trying to recover from the road trip and get used to ny pace again and all of this nonsense with this iphone att etc I'm exhausted and ready to call it a night.   I'm glad I will get a ride to the sitter and train b/c Friday is one day I don't want to be late. 

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