Tuesday, January 18, 2011

slow moving day

Today began exactly as I thought it would I couldn't bring myself to wake up and I didn't hear my alarm had it not been for the fact that he came into the room I would've been late.  Last night after experiencing a stressful day I had the worst case of insomnia but I eventually fell asleep but it always seems like the night flies by and just when you're comfortable warm under your blanket and in a real good deep sleep is when my cell phone alarm goes off and it's time for me to pry myself out of bed.  It felt like monday instead of tuesday.  This morning's weather wasn't good at all snow on the ground not as much as the blizzard or previous storm but freezing rain and sheets of ice frozen over night sure don't help the commute at all.  I was grateful to him that he dropped us off b/c I sure as heck didn't want to walk in that with jr.  When we arrived at the sitter house I get out of car to take him and I was walking slow I almost slipped and fell I was wondering where the heck where the salt trucks that this ice was that thick. I had to walk really slow and it was drizzling I ring the bell it's freezing cold and I get no response mind you my son was sick and is taking medication so I'm getting more pissed off by the minute and I finally ring the bell again and the door opens but it's someone else not the sitter and I'm wondering wtf is wrong with an adult who can let someone wait out in the cold with a small child b/c you didn't like what a parent said to you I mean seriously it never ceases to amaze to what lengths people's stupidity and lack of maturity reach at times.  I signed him in and he's just a kid he runs in to the house and I leave and the "adult" and I use that term loosely never showed her face.  If I was in that ghetto state mind of mind I probably would've told her ass off but she truly isn't worth me wasting my breath over.  What's wrong with people is they like the idea of running a business and they like money but they have no professionalism or any business etiquette at all you would think a return of a phone call would be their priority but it's not it's one big disorganized cluster f***.   My next day off is Feb 22 and I'm going to make a back up plan b/c i'm not going through this nonsense again.  I get to work only to find the gate closed to city hall park and I had to walk around it which made me later to work.  I was freezing grabbed a large hot chocolate at dunkin donuts my daily am ny and metro papers and headed off to work.  I did a few things and began my work day I did a lot of work or maybe it just seemed like a lot but I sure felt heavy handed and tired so I know I won't have any problem falling asleep tonight.  On my ride home the MTA screwed up as always J train was slow and behind we get on the train it was packed we get off at essex to get the M no where in sight we get on another J train and finally get the M in myrtle ave-bway.  I was so annoyed b/c I had to be home on time since today was jr first speech therapy session and it went pretty well except for the times where he wanted to be defiant and not follow the therapist I just wish it was at least one hour of instruction it's only a half hour and when he really got into it the session was over I signed the papers and she will be back next week, we still haven't heard from the other two therapists yet but I think he will be fine with them too I hope anyway.  As the session was going on I was trying to stay focused but I felt myself drifting off and after she left I felt like grabbing a pillow and blanket and dozing off.  Dinner was done we watched our shows jr ate and made a mess after that I gave him a bath put on his pjs and read him some books and he was asleep after 8.  Commuting is tiring especially when you have to deal with MTA incompetence all the time I hope they shoveled and salted b/c I want to get to work on time so I can leave early and be home early.  Tomorrow is hump day which means this week will hopefully fly by fast and this weekend I'm going to try very hard to relax and catch up on rest.  I'm going to do a basic cleaning up sometimes it seems like no mater how much you clean and organize it never lasts.   Well my exhaustion is taking over so I will be heading off to bed, I hope I will make up for the sleeplessness of last night. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, i hope Jr gets better soon. Sometimes the babysitters are very inconsiderate and I can see why you are mad at them. Take care and hope to see you sometime.
