Monday, April 18, 2011

another day over

It's after 10 pm and I should be in bed but I'm up it took me forever to reset my facebook and password everything seemed to go haywire once I got the new phone.  This morning when I dropped jr off at daycare she just "drops" it on me that the daycare is closed Friday due to Good Friday and boy did that piss me off b/c of the lack of notice and consideration this woman has for her parents who rely on her services.  She pulled the same bs last year and I noted my displeasure this morning and told her "you need to give me notice" and I frankly don't give a shit if she liked it or didn't especially when you get the bs response she forgot bs some more you're a grown ass woman who figures you got the power to stick to us working parents b/c you want to close that day but guess what not everyone gets that day off I know I don't city doesn't recognize it.  Lucky for her his father is off that day and I won't have to miss work.  Does it take too much time to print up a reminder and give it to your parents or let them know at least 2-3 wks ahead of? I guess it does.  I arrived on time to work and started my day only to have the occassional minor annoyances here and there.  I then speak to the service coordinator about continuation of services process for jr only to be annoyed with the mumbo jumbo coming out of her mouth after a while its redundant annoying and I'm left barely understanding a dam thing and what the hell is wrong with the dept of ed. they think just b/c you have a hispanic last name they send me a brochure in spanish when I clearly speak and read english and when I ask for a new brochure that was too much to ask I was told to refer to early intervention manual are you kidding me? unreal.  I then receive a call from another representative who sounded like a ray of sunshine on the phone I guess it was in reference to the reevaluation.  I don't look forward to this process b/c this can get tedious annoying and with budget cuts they want to give the children the bare minimum in services which is totally unfair to the children but tell that to mayor jerkberg and our new governor who want to take away vital services and balance the budget on the backs of the working class the poor and the expense of our children. Totally ridiculous.  Lunch time rolled around I had a weight watchers pizza and went for a walk as I was coming back I noticed the two idiots laughing and looking at me very sad indeed but these are the type of people I work around. One of them has breath so bad it makes dog poop smell like a rose garden that's not something I'd be proud of I'd actually close my mouth or get some scope before I laughed at anyone and the other one is using some guy for money sad indeed.  When you're at the top of your game in all areas of your life then you can make fun of other people but most people aren't and never will be.  Toward the end of the day I had a major headache and was glad to be out of there and on my way home I was happy to get a seat on the train due to my headache and when I'm about to walk home I get a text that he wants me to pick up jr and I was sooo mad I'm exhausted and that bus sucks I waited there and walked home I started dinner which I quickly threw together something edible I almost called for chinese food but I'm trying to conserve funds so I didn't.  Ate cleared tables jr was extra hyper tonight and I was drained as usual we both were he was in a sad mood and I asked him what was wrong wouldn't tell me and then gets mad when I question his face bk status I'm like wth I asked you before you didn't want to tell me and now you're telling me I should've figured this out earlier and I thought we women were the ones who get accused of this *sigh* jr was extra wound up and took forever to fall asleep and my patience was running out finally he fell asleep but I'm annoyed by the idiots who live the adjacent building who are just as noisy as the idiots below us or even more and guess what I just got my lease renewal form and I wanted to put right through the shredder I want to get out of here so bad.  He says we have to think about it think about what? I can't stand these idiots down stairs dont' want to live in railroad apt no more and the landlord doesn't give a darn about it no matter how many complaints all fall on a deaf ear as long as he gets his rent and you know what we work too darn hard for our money to deal with that nonsense.  Well it's after 10:30 and I need to get some sleep or I will be in ultra slow mode tomorrow I'm not looking forward to the rain on the forecast and I have no ride so I'm hoping it won't be too heavy.  Off to bed to do the same routine all over again. 

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