Monday, April 18, 2011

another Monday morning

Another weekend gone by and its Monday not my favorite day of the week on my daily ride to work and while I was on the bus I see a lady with her kids and one of them was acting up I know kids can work a nerve with that being said kid was having a tantrum and kid big for that but anyway she was going to leave kid behind in train station and I thought what a stupid bitch I gave her eye contact and she went and got the kid if she would've left would've took pic and called cops this and many others I see on my ride are examples that ANYONE can have a child but very few know how to parent I'm not perfect by far but you have to be pretty stupid to do that with ppl watching you and cell phone cameras anyway that was first pearl of stupidity for the day I drop Jr off at daycare and she tells me she's closed for good Friday no advanced notice I was mad b/c I was already out sick this week and how do you know other parents will have day off? I get sick and tired of dealing with disorganization on their behalf today will be a sunny day which is good train is slow and I hope I'm not late we'll see what this day brings
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