Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the importance of health

Yesterday was a typical day for me get up shower get ready get Jr ready deal with the annoyance of the mta and I get to work start my day and when I went to take my bathroom break I saw blood and it concerned me I also felt uncomfortable so I decided to leave wk early and go to the dr to get a physical done as I've kept putting it off b/c I hate dr offices and the long waits and I can't afford to take time off I get there early grab a slice and I'm seen on time got basic exam blood and urine samples and I was also told that I had an enlarged thyroid which scares the shit out of me b/c I know that the thyroid is a very important gland in our bodies and thyroid disease can have very adverse effects so I'm hoping that blood work is negative. I also was told to see gastroenterlogist I filled out my life story and then some and waited what seemed like forever I was finally seen examined and have an appt for a procedure to view the lower intestines/colon I was also told I have to lose weight quite a bit and my blood pressure seemed high but this is a wake up call saying that I have to start taking care of myself its my body way of saying its being neglected. I have bad habits esp eating habits many times I'm so tired last thing I want to do is cook and there's always something to do and the stress is another factor. Even though I hate dr office esp incompetent ones who overbook and don't stick to appt times I have to start having better time mgmt and start eating healthier give up soda any juices I have a sweet tooth another stumbling block of mine I need to get healthy not only for myself but for my child. I decided to join a gym and go to classes I will try twice a week and see how that works out.  I went to the dentist today and I was glad to be in and out of there have to have wisdom teeth extracted so I'm just going to be in a real chipper mood this week *sigh* and have bridges put in plus other work.  Even though I hate dr visits I don't mind them so much if something actually gets accomplished.  He gets called for jury duty and unfortunately gets picked for a case and now expects me to start dinner when I get home I hate the kitchen we have a love/hate relationship.  I cook if I have no other choice or low on funds I'm no martha stewart and cooking also takes inspiration too and I have little inspiration when I get through the door the only thing I'm inspired to do is throw myself on the couch and watch tv and change into my lounge pants and a tshirt.  Today I have to stay late which I dread b/c I'm going to run into the 5:00 rush hope I have an uneventful trip home when I first started here I used to work 9 to 5 and it seemed like the day just drags on and I also hated the crowds so I changed from 8 to 4 much better day goes by pretty fast and I'm home at a reasonable time provided the mta cooperates with it's service.   I was thinking of trying the weight watchers point system but I don't like feeling restricted with what I eat b/c even though they promote those meal plan diets they are also expensive and let's face it pathmark and stop and shop don't always throw them on sale so I've decided to cut back on a lot of crap I ate b/c I have a sweet tooth and I'm a snacker too bad habit especially when I'm working.  I also have a plastic container at home that is divided into 3 sections and I plan to start using that strategy for portion control.   I realize that no this is no longer something I can put off anymore I also notice that everything is centered over food parties, anniversaries, etc.  When you turn on the tv and look at commercials everything is super sized this, those gigantic breakfast plates from dennys or baconator sandwiches I'm like what the heck is wrong with these people all of these foods are a heart attack waiting to happen, I'm no saint I love bacon, eggs, and burgers, etc.  NY style home fries can't find them anywhere else trust me but health is more important to me.   I saw a food grid and technically the meat we're supposed to eat is about the size of your fist take that into consideration with a side of veggies let's say or rice etc. and we're supposed to be full with that I've done it and I do feel full.  Plus I'm also going to have to give the one and only hands down favorite Pepsi while soda is good it's loaded with calories.   Diet Arizona and Diet Snapple and get myself used to drinking water and lots of it.   The only way I'd psyche myself up into drinking water is buying crystal light but our body needs the water to function right.   This is going to be a long journey for me but in the end it is for my own good.  It's not going to be easy as I've got to drop quite a bit of weight and dr says it has to be gradually.  He said my target weight should be 155 then my BMI would be ok but I'd like to weigh 135 if possible.  I've never been rail thin even when I was thin I was 8 or 10  I would be content with a 12 but 10 sounds better and it would make shopping for clothes a lot easier than having to go to looking around every place.   I'm a 16 now and while most ppl wouldn't consider that huge and most latinos and black guys like women with junk in their trunk as they say I showed a picture of myself when I was really thin back in HS/early college days (wish I had that body now :)) and he said he didn't like the way I looked that I looked too "thin" lol.  Well I sure miss looking like that but I bet he'd changed his tune if I ever did slim down like that again.   The start of the journey will begin with food will sign up at the gym so they can stop blowing up my phone finally!!! and I'm sure I will need to brought out on a stretcher the first day but I will get used to it.  

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