Sunday, April 3, 2011

sticky fingers

Most of the time there aren't enough hours in a day to get everything done.  Time flies by so fast when you're home but it drags on at work.  Last week it was pretty boring and I sure hope this week isn't like this b/c it just makes the week seem longer and drag.  This weekend was like most by the time Friday comes I'm exhausted and just want to eat shower and fall asleep.  I got a head start cleaning up friday night so I didn't have so much to do the next day.  When I got home Friday afternoon I notice an opened pkg in the door way and it belonged to him.  I was infuriated  that someone would have the nerve to open up a pkg and have the nerve to leave the damaged box and contents sticking out.  I was cursing up a storm and I'm sure those worthless ghettofied thieves heard me and good I wanted them to hear me.  It took every bit of restraint not to bang on the door and go nuts on them.  This incident explains the previous I never received a pkg sent to me I also had a few cards "lost" and I never got them and I thought I can't believe that I'm going through this shit here.  Tampering with mail not addressed to you is a federal crime and you can be arrested.  I'm fed up we leave a bad neighborhood dealing with nonsense similar to this to move to a safer place pay more rent to then have some ghetto trash move in on the first floor I just can't win.  That night I get a knock on the door and the super of the bldg. has a surprise for me a picture showing the bitch on video taking the pkg and putting it back I guess she had no use for a evo battery and case.  He tells me that he's also been missing mail and our landlord is too busy sipping mai tai's in dr and collecting our hard earned money to give a ****.  These people are loud obnoxious blast music at all hours slam doors think our stoop is the local park you don't see it now but wait till summer comes.  I'm sick of it all, I told the super if the landlord doesn't take steps to rectify the situation I will be moving from here.  I then filed a complaint with the post office and was given a case # only to be told I should've contacted the postal police/inspector.  I think it's a shame and a pity to be paying rent that's equivalent to a mortgage payment and you can't even shop online or order anything b/c you have to worry about some dead beat ripping you off.  Thank goodness for security cameras I hope that it will capture them doing something else and they will be evicted.  I would never steal from anyone and then he goes down there to talk to them as if that's going to matter he's "talked" to them before about their music still happens.  You can't be nice to some ppl bottom line.  A lot of people take kindness for weakness.  The sister of the bitch a.k.a thief tried to play dumb like she didn't know what he was talking about and she'd ask she was probably thinking oh **** busted.  Well I just may contact that postal inspector if my next pkg doesn't arrive intact.  This scenario is in to be continued mode for now.   Yesterday was the usual cleaning and running errands spent some time with jr in the park it is good for him to play and expend some of that energy that I wish I had half of his energy on any given day.  I woke up late this morning and it feel good to sleep in I actually got some "me" time today I took the bus to the mall browsed around went to the bath and body works store got some hand soaps, and a pillow mist to help me sleep a lavendar scented one b/c I sure can use all the help I need to get sleep during the work week.  I then had some lunch and went to Jc Penney I invested in a good knife block set b/c farberware may make great pots but they're knives are horrible when it comes to certain things it's worth spending extra knives are definitely worth it.  I got home pretty early and relaxed for the rest of the day.  I'm going to make an effort to have more "me" days b/c it helps me a lot to have time to clear my head and do for myself for a change.  Tomorrow is jr's visit to the ENT and I'm crossing my fingers that he will not need the procedure and some of the fluid has drained out.  Tomorrow is going to rain not thrilled about that and it's monday blah.  Well it's past 10 and I'm off to shower and to get some rest or my usual case of the mondays will be worse than they usually are.

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