Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday has arrived

Friday is finally here and I'm on the train waiting for it to move so I can start my am commute. I'm hoping for a smooth ride and minimal annoyances as I always do. I'm sitting at the other end of the train yet I can hear someone's music that's so annoying and defeats the purpose of headphones and they don't realize they're damaging their hearing but anyway I stood home yesterday and I rested all day and I felt better but I never get why time goes by so fast at home but drags on at work before I knew it was 12 today is the show and I'm hoping that we make it back to the city in time to eat and get there on time with no rush I look forward to the show and getting a good laugh b/c I could sure use it well let's hope this ride to work will be uneventful and my work day will be the same
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