Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday at last

Friday has finally arrived and I'm happy for that there are times that this work run errands etc routine wears me down I have to make time to do everything and there are only so many hours in a day to get things done yesterday I went to the dentist and I didn't even get to see one b/c of the ridiculous overcrowding and overbooking of appointments and if there is anything I hate is my time wasted and dealing with unprofessional incompetent ppl I saw one of the assistants cracking gum as she called a patient and that's a rude and annoying habit so went back to work accomplishing nothing but aggravation. I wasn't too thrilled that I had to stay late especially when there's nothing to do. Jr is making good progress with speech and his session went well yesterday the next phase of the program is pre school based and I hope its a full day b/c honestly that's the setting I prefer him to be in and the cost will be picked up by school district if he qualifies which is a big relief for us. I've been noticing a lot of things I don't like with his current provider too many kids not giving notice to parents when she plans to close and I wish I can say there are plenty of affordable day cares out there but they're not and the violation report from the city is another factor leaving kids unsupervised or not having working batteries in a smoke detector are deal breakers for me. So I cross my fingers and hope he is accepted. I'm going to try to make my other dental visit to the gum specialist I guess I'm a glutton for punishment it will be another quiet day which is a good thing and I will get into the city before 7:30 today which is good hate being late especially on a Friday this coming wknd is Easter and we were planning to go mass and go to the Easter parade but now he seems to be backing out of that idea a let down yes but the weather and trains don't help this. I got into the city early and so I will be out early which is a great thing its a skeleton crew today at the office so it will be a quiet easy day
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