Wednesday, April 6, 2011

sunny hump day

Hump day has arrived and it's a sunny one now if it could warm up that would be even better looking at the weather I see that we're going to get a lot of rain this month as we usually do in April but as they April showers bring May flowers.  Monday's visit with jr to the ENT was tedious and long but the outlook is positive.  I never understand why doctor's offices always overbook patients kids get bored easily especially when they're toddlers.  The dr examined his ears and took out wax and the area where the surgery is done is totally healed up.  He then repeated the hearing test and now the left is better but the right ear still isn't where it should be due to fluid build up.  He doesn't need surgery for now and he's being monitored due to the speech/language delays.  I felt as if a whole weight was lifted off my shoulders but I will be relieved when both ears are functioning at a normal level and even if it comes to be that he needs a hearing aid it's better than surgery.  It's pretty much a wait and see we go back in 6 weeks for exam and a test on both ears.   Yesterdays's speech therapy session was ok jr was ok but uncooperative toward the middle and therapist put away the toys and started on something else.  I try to interfere in the sessions but sometimes jr needs a reminder that he's misbehaving.   After she left we ate and it was the usual routine dinner, bath, bed.   I felt so tired last night I winded up falling asleep with jr in his bed I woke up and went to my room only to turn over this morning and find him in our bed this is very frustrating indeed.  There are times I'm in such a deep sleep that I don't even hear or feel when he comes in.  Friday I meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a while and I'm glad b/c I don't get to have that interaction often.  The dishes stayed in the sink b/c I fell asleep so they will get done today I've considered investing in a portable dishwasher I had a portable washing machine at one point both are great conviences.   Well off to start my day hope it will be a smooth one. 

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