Monday, April 11, 2011

weekend sypnosis

Friday was a painfully slow day as a lot of them have been lately these are the days I wish I had more accumulated vacation time to get away for a couple of weeks.  This Friday after work I met up with a friend who I hadn't seen in a while it felt good to meet up with someone and have some time alone we went to Friday's and the food was good but I was kind of surprised that they finally lowered the music there b/c before you had to practically shout across the room just to have a conversation the music was that loud.  Talking with her I realize that we all have problems and things going on in our lives and without getting into specific details out of respect for privacy sometimes I realize I do too complain a lot but there are people who are worse off it's good to talk to someone and have someone listen.  I told her to have faith and pray and I'm hoping for the best.  I should take my own advice, this weekend was the usual clean and run errands with the most hated one being grocery shopping.  If there's anything I hate the most on weekends is grocery shopping it seems like all of the idiots come out of the woodwork and decide to stop at pathmark stop&shop etc.  and we sure did encounter some winners the blue ribbon award for idiot goes to genius blocking aisle with her cart while she gingerly reads labels on boxes and puts them in the cart totally oblivious to others who want to get by nominee #2 moron who asks us where the macaroni is proceeds to argue with us that it's not this aisle so if you know better than stfu and try to find the box.  Box turned out to be two aisles down and we find same said idiot in aisle who finally finds item.  #3 nominee idiot who is on register putting her items on the belt and sees cart behind her instead of moving cart forward allowing me to move forward and put stuff on belt and separate with stick nope I had to wait until your majesty finished loading it all I could've asked her to move her cart forward but she didn't seem like she was very congenial and to avoid myself getting into an altercation on a task I already despise I let said idiot go forward.  Pick and choose our battles and most things while they piss us off aren't worth getting into it over ignorance is bliss as they say and you really never know anyone these days.  After we're done we head on to the meat/produce place and the idiots seem to congregate there a lot too.  I'm ready to pay and there's someone there who was in line in front of me who has garlic and decides she wants jarred minced garlic goes to aisle reads the label holding me up in line and idiot decides not to buy jar of garlic but forgets something else.  Finally she's rung up and out of there and then I notice another person there  with a huge order of wholesale meat who cashier tries to start ringing up and she must've seen the look of death on my face b/c she stopped and rung me up if there's one thing I can't do well is hide my expressions or feelings if I'm pissed off you will know and most of the time I'm red like a tomato so it's pretty noticeable.  I finally leave and I'm glad to be gone wishing I was going home but I have to stop at BJ's wholesale to pick up stuff for jr.   If you think grocery shopping is annoying try going to costco or BJ's Sam Club etc.  The lines are always at a stand still and never enough cashiers.  Another 15-20 minutes for 2 items and I breathed a sigh of relief when I got home at last.  This is why I prefer to go to places very early in the morning the later you go the worse it is.  Sunday was a gray boring day and he decides he wants to go to church and I'm like are you kidding me?  I'm not a terribly religious person and since I wasn't raised in the catholic faith many a times I feel like a fish out of water I know maybe one or two prayers better said know of them don't ask me to recite b/c I couldn't help you there.  I just couldn't seem to get it together we eventually got together and get to the church with jr in the stroller and jr doesn't stay still or quiet which I can tell other people kept looking toward us which makes me unable to really concentrate on what's being said but I don't care what other people think he's a 2 yr old you can't expect him to be like a statue or be quiet.  I just couldn't get into it I guess some services are better than others.  The donation basket comes around and this is something I wonder about they tell you to have two donation envelopes and last I checked some people can't give two envelopes or even one for that matter I know it's something we do but people shouldn't feel obligated to give what they really can't especially in an economy as bad as this one is.  We gave something but I've heard is 10% on your income not sure if that's true and I realize they need it for the maitenance of the church, etc.  don't indirectly say that you're expecting two envelopes anyway the message was nice but some you get into some you dont that also depends on the priest I guess.  When I lived in Yonkers, the church was livelier there while I didn't like things up there either the services were livelier the music, etc.  I think I'm going to try the other church in Maspeth and see if I like their services better.   One of my favorite places is the St Patricks Cathedral I always feel a sense of peace when I go there we're going to see a show on Friday I may stop over there before the show.  I guess the most important thing when you do go to any church is you feel at peace and learn something from the sermons they give.  I need to go to church more often to feel more at peace and ease and reduce my stress b/c I sure have plenty of stressors daily stressors external family stressors, etc.  and it's very hard to feel positive at times when things just seem to be getting worse than improving and when you feel as if you have to take care of and carry everyone but no one is to carry you when you need it,.  Listening to enya again and I feel more serene which is good it helps me relax and focus on work and tune out the rest of the unneccesary nonsense.   I sure hope the sun comes out today as it's supposed to be 75 degrees sure a dismal gray morning for spring weather.

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