Sunday, April 17, 2011

ghetto klown lyceum theater

Friday night arrived and after we changed our clothes it was off to the city,  I was hoping we'd make it on time b/c our train was going kind of slow.  Our first stop was BBQ's in times square and the times square area is always crowded with tons of people especially tourists and I have to say that the crowds have turned me off I don't hang out in the city like that anymore so I guess I'm not used to it either way we take the escalator upstairs and the place is packed and I didn't like the set up at all so many tables on top of each other and servers bumping into your chairs we ordered an appetizer of "hennessey wings" name sounded kind of catchy when they arrived they were very big and oversauced.  I guess I'm used to the smaller wings or boneless versions I've eaten at other places, they were good but I don't think I'd order them again when our actual plates arrived there was tons of food I was shocked I ordered ribs and steak and I could only finish half of it the rest went into a doggie bag. Needless to say I don't think we'll come to BBQ's again at least not in times square I can almost bet the one in queens is better. After we were done it was off to the theater and I have to say it wasn't easy trying to find this place and I sure wish Mr. Leguizamo would've picked the closer theater like the Minskoff, etc.  we finally get here and the line  is long I managed to take a picture of the sign outside and theater sign inside and no more photos after that due to the rules I guess they're afraid someone will publish unauthorized photos.  We get in and have our tickets scanned and have to walk up three flights of stairs not something I'm thrilled about due to walking all of those city blocks trying to find this place we finally get to our level and they point us to our seats and give us our play bill programs I realize how high up we are and I start freaking out b/c I'm terrified of heights and I think this theater was also made for midgets b/c the seats are very small and the space was very tight so I just tried to relax and not look down this theater is very old you can see it in the architecture,etc.   A few mins after 8 the show starts and he comes out and I can't believe how young he looks still b/c I know he's in his 40's and not bad looking lol and he starts telling jokes which were hilarious they cover his life growing up in Jackson Heights, Queens with his crazy parents, grandfather, and how his acting career took off, he also looks into the low points of his life like his strained relationship with his father, financial problems, a first marriage ending in divorce, a 30 yr friendship ending where the "friend" tries to get money from him and it ends in them fighting.  He explains how relationships end before you know it and how 30 yrs of friendship ended just like that I can tell he was sad when he spoke of this and while sometimes it multiple things that bring an end to a friendship I can relate to him b/c I've felt that disappointment in that department and it hurts b/c you think you've known this person all these years and know them well truth is you really never know anyone that well and people surprise you with their actions as I was surprised.  He used props and a movie projector during the show and some of the pictures from his past were hilarious like a picture of him with an afro from his HS yr book photo others reminded you of the way the mta trains looked way back when horrible with tons of graffiti on them, but each segment went from the 70's to the current time period and it was a mixed bag of happiness and sad and it made me realize that everyone has problems no matter whether we are famous or not the only difference between celebrities and normal people is that we have that privacy and anonymity that they don't have.  I also see how the strained relationship with his father affected his life I can relate to this too and his family wasn't thrilled about how he used them in his material of previous shows and I think they actually sued him as he showed a legal document on the projector and I thought how low down can you be to do that? I guess the truth hurts and people can't handle it, doesn't mean if it were me I'd go as far as to sue someone over it but I notice this a lot when ppl become famous and come from a humble background ppl become very money hungry and think they're going to leech on to your new found fame and status.  He used his experiences growing up as he refers to it as "cheap therapy" lol and I couldn't agree with him more b/c I also use this blog for the same purpose as I can't afford a high priced psychologist so I use this as an outlet too.  He also talked about how he made his father cry and thought he was finally getting the revenge he was always wanted but that he didn't feel the gratification he thought he would sad isn't it he realized that his own father had a rough upbringing too and how his father was proud of him I guess he was in his own warped way and I can relate in the way of how I found out the same about my own father but I also attribute this to culture too and in the latino culture men have to be macho they can't show emotion or many people male or female don't express emotion or hold all of their issues inside and forget about seeing a therapist they'll look at it as a sign of weakness or that you're a nut None of which are true,  We are human we are not martyrs and everyone needs help sometimes b/c your upbringing makes you who you are good or bad it will affect the path you take in life so why not get the professional help if you feel you need it.  I also feel that people take this as a cop out why would I let my upbringing influence me as a parent? If anything my past would want to me be a better parent to my son than what I got.  I know that being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world and sometimes I'm far from perfect and realize that no matter how perfect I try to be at it there are times where I will fall short of the mark b/c I'm also human besides being a parent.  He also talks about his wife and children who are adorable and how his success affected his relationship and I never realized how well succcess is a good thing I can't believe how destructive it can be too.  When the show finished we clapped some people did a standing ovation but I would recommend it to anyone I just hope for his next show he picks a better theater one where the seats are more comfortable and closer access to the bathrooms if you want funny and reality this is the perfect show for you.  Kudos to fellow queens resident John Leguizamo you made us laugh and forget about our problems for a short while and we look forward to seeing any new project be it a movie or any other stand up you do.  After the show we were tired and can you believe I got lost who would think it would happen to me? I realized it right away and walked back toward bway and 6 ave so we can take our train home.  Our train took a while to come as the M is slow like molasses when we get in there's a bunch of people talking and laughing loud and acting like idiots this seems to be a contagious disease on the subway ppl really think you want to hear what they're talking about, what they're blasting on their mp3, give me a break all I wanted to was catch a quick snooze but that didn't happen we were home after 12 jr was asleep and I stood up for a few minutes and after they left I changed into my pjs and fell into bed.  It was a good experience and something we have to do more often I often feel weird when we go out b/c we seldom get time to ourselves like that. 

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