Monday, September 12, 2011

case of the mondays

Last week seemed to drag by even thought it was a short week and Friday finally came and I was ready to leave and meet up with a friend after work and I forgot to check the subway status and sure enough there were delays on the R train and I waited there for what seemed like an eternity and I hate to be late and I was late alright 1/2 hr. to be exact and the person I met up was also late so we didn't wait much long for each other. Thanks once again MTA for throwing a crank in my plans. We met up at the mall and went to have a meal at applebees and this place was pretty empty for a friday evening but I guess that also has to do with the economy as well a lot of people aren't eating out like before, etc. but I don't mind it once in a while there are a lot of affordable ways to hang out if you use your brain and look for deals. It was nice to meet up with a friend and have some down time but it always seems to go so fast and friday went even faster b/c we got a late start. I will have one free day to myself this weekend which is better than nothing and I can sure use it. This weekend was typical cleaning running errands going to the post office to pick up a pkg. We went to the park afterward for a little while and home for lunch while I continue to muster up the motivation to get this house clean but it seems like as soon I get everything look close to decent jr will mess it up yet again which is frustrating at times. I must sweep a million times a day and vaccum sofa cushions, etc. Yesterday I made some dinner I usually try to make meals that last 2 days I made some chicken cutlets fried not the healthiest option for me but a quick option with some roasted garlic mash potatoes out of a box and some canned vegetables but at least I will have left overs for today when I get home. I'm going to try to see if I can bake them to see if they come out just as good as fried b/c fried isn't healthy at all another experiment for me to conduct in the kitchen. Yesterday we both slept in which was weird b/c jr is usually my instant alarm clock. 8:30 for me is sleeping in considering I get up at 5:30 everyday sometimes even 5. I gave jr his bath last night and put him to bed and watched some TV for a while had a snack but I felt myself dozing off so I went to bed and you can have a million channels on cable and sometimes there's still is nothing worth watching on tv. Today I got up feeling drowsy and lazy and I just think it's a good old fashioned case of the mondays. Mondays is just not my day. I managed to get up on time and make good timing getting ready only to be delayed by the crappy bus service and train service courtesy of the MTA not even my alternative the 6 train came through for me today making me 10 minutes late I'm glad jr therapist isn't coming by till 6:00 today giving me more than enough time to come home and get everything ready. I also cleaned out my drawers taking out old jeans and pants that no longer fit me so now I have to get some jeans and khaki in a smaller size b/c sometimes not even the belt works. Hopefully there are some sales this week or I will have to hold on to them just a little while longer. I ate a little too much yesterday and I'm going to have to work it off today looking at the work out schedules they're no longer offering zumba on Mondays in the Astoria gym only thursdays and fridays which aren't really good for me *sigh* I really liked that teacher. Today they're giving HIIT @ 1:15 in the gym by my job and I'm going to go for it and try it I haven't taken this class before but from what I've seen it's an intense work out and I can sure use it as I ate one cutlet too many a few sweets. I'm still looking for the suggestions for ab exercises I also could use the pick me up as it's 9:00 and I'm still in a slump even though I took the gnc energy supplement kind of makes me wonder if that vitamin pack was just a result of sales tactics we'll see but I must use all the pkgs as it cost me enough if not will try something else. It's 9:00 and time to start working hope my mood will pick up as the day goes on.

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