Tuesday, September 13, 2011

daily routine

Yesterday I tried a new class called HIIT. I've never tried it before but this new instructor at the Wall Street gym is no joke and he didn't even use any equipment like weights or the bar, etc. I needed to do this class b/c I was in a real slump I think it was b/c it was Monday and I just felt bored and lazy. It always seems like the day flies by when you come to work late but drags on until the few minutes when you're waiting to punch out. I was crossing my fingers that I'd have an uneventful trip home I caught my first train which was packed but I got the second one at Essex St plus a seat home which is a great bonus. I then had to catch the bus to pick up jr I don't look forward to this b/c of the inconsistencies of the bus service. I waited there what seemed like an eternity get off and notice not one but 4 buses going in the opposite direction and I thought looks like I'm going to have a mighty long wait home grrr now why would dispatch 4 at a time? Makes no sense to me. When it was time to wait for our bus it came fast but I had to go all the way to the back to sit down but heaven forbid anyone give a mother with a small child a seat in the front! I get home the first jr does is go the fridge for a juice box in which I tell him not to touch the fridge until he washes his hands first. Yesterday's dinner was left overs and now I have to come up with a new creation to make for the next two day dinner I was thinking of doing stewed pork chops but I have yet to attempt this even though I've asked my mother for the instructions a million times. What's the worst that can happen I screw it up and it goes to the trash? I guess. Yesterday I felt like a walking pitney bowes machine at work doing all of this mail and we were told that b/c of the redeployment of people and retiring of one person we have to assume some extra responsiblities notice how they don't say we will give you the pay to go along with that and was told I have to take up part of the work the retiree once did and it pissed me off b/c I'm only human not a machine and only so much can be done in 7 hours. I'm not killing myself for no one b/c not even the former employee did. I work at my own pace and mail is tedious and takes up a lot of time. Today I did some more mail and there's a whole batch more and I'm not even worrying about it b/c I have other tasks to do that require my attention. They could resolve this problem very easily find a replacement by calling a number off the city civil service list but they want to be cheap and cry poor yet they have money to hire all of these analysts, scientist and a whole bunch of other glorified titles that you wonder what they heck is the purpose for their paycheck, work station and breathing space here in this office. Yesterday was jr first session with the new therapist and she was 15 minutes late but considering it's 6:00 it's rush hour and traffic is a mess, he took to her very well and what bothered was she didn't even know how she got our case but told us she was approached to take it on, which was weird to me considering I was given another explanation by his former therapist. Anyway she says he has a lot of language and skills for a child with his diagnosis which is a positive and she also says the ADA therapy is more intense but it would help him alot and he may grow out of the PDD with the therapy which I'm crossing my fingers for but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't. She also states that we did a good thing by insisting he be reevaluated b/c some parents don't challenge what they're told well I can tell you I'm not one of those people I'm a lot of things but complacent isn't one of them. I know we will have a battle with the board of ed, cpse, etc. but they better not think that they're going to send my son away empty handed like they the other time around. I'm still waiting for the report from the hospital as it will be very useful for the next mtg. Today I finally to go work on time and did a lunch time zumba class but didn't stay as long today as I didn't want to be late I'd rather go exercising on my lunch break and stay inside and sit at my desk and do nothing and while sometimes I don't mind doing nothing especially at home at work you get bored sleepy, etc. Today is my favorite zumba instructor's birthday at the Astoria gym and they're doing back to back zumba so of course you know I will be making a trip up there today it's been a while since I took his class actually before I went on vacation. Tomorrow will be another counseling session with him and I'm hoping things will end on a more positive note but I feel this is getting tedious and contrary to what the therapists say I think I may stop therapy sessions soon b/c while I know it will help me heal it seems like we revisit things that don't even matter any more but I will see. Yesterday they opened the 9/11 memorial and of course many people got passes to go and see it but I didn't and won't for a while I don't like big crowds #1 and honestly I try not to even think about 9/11 even though that's kind of hard since I work around here but once all of the craziness dies down I may go one day on my lunch break and take a few shots of it it's very painful as I remember the city when it looked totally different but those memories are frozen in time in my mind, old pictures, old magazines, etc. Well it's time to get back to work looking forward to another zumba class this evening.

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