Friday, September 9, 2011

Metro - Michael Bloomberg calls terror threat against NYC credible

Metro - Michael Bloomberg calls terror threat against NYC credible

There's a credible threat against the city and I was as millions of other people are scared me even more b/c I work right near the all of it WTC, Park 51, etc. etc. I'm confronted with the reality of 9/11 everyday whether I like it or not and I'm kind of glad that 9/11 falls on a Sunday b/c especially with this threat I probably wouldn't even go in to work if it fell on a Monday or other day during the week. I know that may sound ridiculous to some and it took me a while to get used to the fact that I work in such close proximity to what could be the target of another terrorist attack. I always have everything prepared just in case like wearing sneakers, having my keys, bag and a fully charged cell phone but even with all of that nothing can really prepare you not even the most organized evacuation plans I remember when we felt the shaking due to the VA earth quake you can see the look of panic on people's faces. My main goal would be #1 stay out of the subways #2 Safely get to the williamsburg bridge and walk over it even though i'm terrified of heights My biggest fear is that they would attack the subway system and thanks to intelligence of the military and police many plots and threats have been stopped before they could've inflicted serious damage to the city. I can't believe how 10 years have gone by so fast. I'm praying that they're able to find out more information about this threat and catch them before they do harm to anyone.

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