Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall like friday

Today is Friday my favorite day of the week and for once things finally worked in my favor I was able to pry myself out of bed and actually catch the early bus and be in the city with enough time to stop at the store and walk to work and still be on time. Prying jr out of bed took a little bit more work. Yesterday was pay day and already a portion of my paycheck has vanished into thin air *sigh*. A portion going to babysitting fees and other bills. I've been looking for ways to cut corners on my budget especially due to the new living situation and I was ready to call Time Warner and cancel their service b/c it's too expensive but I'm getting rid of an extra box, dvr, and their locking me into their promotional pricing for another 2 yrs hopefully by then or before Verizon Fios will hurry up and come to my area of Queens so I can finally send them packing. We got a late start to the day b/c the entire network was down till about 10:00 so we pretty much just talked until it was back up but what's not so fun is catching up on work to make up for the lost time. Yesterday when I left the counseling center I got my first preview of Fall weather and boy was it windy and cold if it wasn't for the fact that I had a hoody on I would've frozen on my way to the train station and waiting for the bus which was ridiculously over crowded so much that I had to let 2 buses passes until I was able to get on one. Today was just as windy and cold and I have no clothing for fall/winter so I have to start preparing as well as jr. I have to say fall or autumn in NY is one of my favorite seasons of the year the leaves turn beautiful shades of yellow, red, orange, etc. the weather starts to get cooler and more tolerable, and it's always a sign that jr birthday is coming soon. I can't believe he will be turning 3 soon. Time flew by so fast and it seems like yesterday that I was bringing him home from the hospital. I received a call from his service coordinator and the meetings to add the therapy plus CPSE are due to be scheduled soon and I have to say that I'm not looking forward to them b/c of my past experience and this service coordinator had the audacity to say that she wouldn't be present at these mtgs and she usually isn't and then I ask myself then what is the point of you being called a service coordinator? I was trying to find a parent advocate by calling information today and I had no luck. I called a number from a blog and while the lady was very nice I didn't realize she was a private consultatnt and charged $85 hr. for her services which there is no way in heck I can afford so I took down what ever numbers she gave me and was on my way to the next thing. I know she meant well but she was giving me a headache asking me all of these questions, etc. I'm a pretty good advocate but perhaps I needed to gather the reports together and then call her or anyone else. I didn't realize getting services for jr would be so hard and I'm hoping that we don't have to get a lawyer b/c there's no way I can afford it w/o going through my union or legal aid society I think it's so messed up how they want to make parents lives so hard. I found out today that they had the nerve to tell my friend whose child needs an evaluation that his insurance wouldn't pay for it and I ask myself what's the point of insurance? If we can't even rely it on to cover the necessary things! These are times when I ask why? why me? why our son? etc. but I realize while it's good to vent I have to keep trying to find a way to make things work for us and him b/c the harsh reality is the system sucks we just have to learn what our rights are, and learn how to be better navigators through it. I will have to catch up on some housework when I get home as the dishes in the sink and the trash can are calling my name and the rest of the house can wait this week is "me" time and I may not get it often but I will enjoy it to the fullest this time around.

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