Thursday, September 8, 2011

Topsy Turvy Thursday

So much for my requests for an uneventful commute and smooth beginning of my day after writing my first entry I went to tackle the pile of dishes in the sink that started to smell not so great as the cat kept meowing for her food finally finishing and spraying the sink down to get rid of the smell emptied trash can and proceeded to jump in the shower after I'm done get dressed and start to prepare my breakfast which is an instant breakfast and I take it out and it turns out to be strawberry instead of chocolate meanwhile the box says chocolate ok there and the rain is pouring down outside and all I feel like doing is crawling right back into bed and getting under my blanket I break open the GNC vitamin pack and take the first part which is the vitamins and energy supplement b/c if there's anything I could use now is a boost of energy and a drink would be real nice too. I go to wake up jr and he doesn't want to wake up can't say I blame him I had to literally pry him out of bed but I wasn't prepared for the the tantrum of the century he threw I tried to be patient with him as he kicked and hit me and I finally had to grab his and sternly tell we had to get ready to no avail b/c he wasn't hearing it I finally lost patient and yelled at him the people in my building must think I'm a real b* or just crazy but when you're under time constraints plus other stress it gets to you and it gets to me too much and too often. I finally get out the front door only to throw the trash in the bsmt. and run for the bus. The tantrum lasted all the way to bus stop and only to see 2 buses one right behind another go right by and all I could was say a few quite 4 letter words to myself as I loathe the MTA and the fact that they could never keep their schedules and service consistent with the needs of the morning rush hour. I realize there's a crowd of ppl waiting at the bus and a bunch of teenagers and it dawned on me that today is the first day of school and I thought WTH now commuting is going to be that much more fun with the school crowds and not enough buses. The MTA slogan "Courtesy is Contagious let it begin with you" is something that doesn't exist in most people's minds I've seen people not give the elderly, pregnant, or women with young kids a seat on the bus or try to bum rush you to get in the bus and boy it makes my blood boil!!! I've went off a few inconsiderate idiots b/c it's being selfish and jeopardizing the safety of the child that being said I notice the teenagers were just going to jump ahead of me with jr and the older ladies and I said oh hell no I ran with him bum rush their rude asses and got on the bus and they just looked at me I had to hold him threw the whole bus ride which thank goodness is a short ride and my shoulders paid the price. I wasn't a teenager that far back and I have to say that the teenagers these days have zero respect for anyone it's all about them and they're quick to get smart with people I think society overall is about themselves. After dropping off jr and venting I run to catch my next bus only to miss and wait for the next. Once it's time for me to catch my train I'm thinking I'll be only 5 minutes late. I get off to catch the train I hate the most the infamous J train only to be stranded for it never to show up and the crowd of people just seemed to get larger and larger on a platform that is not very wide. I couldn't wait for it any longer so I hopped on the M yet again took it for another stop and ran for the 6 train up all of those stairs only for the doors to almost close in my face the energy supplement must've kicked in b/c I pryed those doors open and hopped right in! Finally arriving at the last stop I noticed everyone was in a fog and it showed no one moving at all it must be the weather but nonetheless I was 13 minutes late and can't stay due to yet another appointment this was the fun adventure I had to come and earn a mere bag of shells. I look forward to end of this week and it sure doesn't feel like it's been a short week. I finally took the first pill this morning and feel much more relaxed and I'm crossing my fingers that someone will be able to meet up with me after work tomorrow b/c I could sure use a break.

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