Thursday, March 31, 2011

slow mode

Yesterday was a typical day at work smooth with the occassional annoyances of the day and boredom.  I was talking with a friend and realized by running my mouth most of my lunch break had passed me by so I rushed outside to do a quick errand and come back.  I was looking forward to getting my slot of me time until he calls me and says he got stuck at work and I have to admit that it did piss me off b/c everytime I want to have some time for myself or do something for myself something always gets in the way.  I was able to get a ride to get jr and I explained to them that I wanted to get my nails done so they took jr to park while I went to a place near my house.  I really don't like the nail salons in my area they're very rude and after a few bad experiences I found this one place on myrtle ave who do nice work and the ladies are very sweet so they're tipped accordingly but due to a change of plans I had to forget the spa pedicure.  I settled for this place in my area and while they're ok I noticed they use cheap polish and I don't like people who rush through a service if I'm paying for a service I expect it to be done right or tip o meter zero!  I saw some idiot come while I was getting my manicure done and she asked how long she was going but seemed like she was in a hurry and I notice the lady rushing and I almost said excuse me are in you a rush, b/c I got here first and if she can't wait that's her problem but if you want to be tipped you'll finish me and right.  But of course I bit the bullet and as she finished I noticed she still had to clip around my nails and it annoyed me to see she did miss quite a few worrying about some impatient b*.   I just can't believe how impatient and rude some people are I would wait and if I couldn't I simply leave.  As I sat in the chair while I was getting my pedicure done I felt embarrassed b/c my feet looked pretty bad as I hadn't gotten them since December and I can imagine they've seen a lot worse than mine but it made me realize that I need to make time to take care of myself and while it is extremely difficult at times I can't continue to worry about the needs and things to be done.  After I was done I tipped and left.  When I got home I felt tired waiting for him but he didn't show up until after 9 and jr of course gave me a hard time to go to bed 45 minutes to be exact  I walk back to the kitchen to conquer the sink load of dishes and he walks in kind of startling me.  He shaved his head and I was mad b/c I prefer him with hair and it just reminds me when he was sick and that's a time I'd rather not think about if I don't have to.   I had a sandwich watched some tv and went to bed.  Jr decides to wake up in the middle of night and I hate this he thought it was play time I finally took him back to his bed tried to get him down I thought he was asleep I left and I see him yet again I was frustrated by this time.  When I looked it was 10 mins to 4 am.  His father wakes up early and he took him with him I tried to get some sleep and I was really getting into it until he woke me up so this is why I'm like a zombie today.  I managed to get dress and out the door and I'm thankful for a ride but slept on my way to work.  A quick nap is good well some longer than others depending on how long your ride is.  I try not to do this but sometimes tiredness takes over.  I spoke with service coordinator and I was somewhat annoyed about this process of continuing services and how after he turns 3 I think the services will be done in an office/school setting which makes it harder to get back and forth than now when they come to the house just another task to juggle like I need anymore.  She explained about the mtg and I notice she mentions how they sometimes don't follow protocol and that turned me off b/c I believe in doing things the right way I don't lie at all I hate it b/c lies always come back to bite you in the a** b/c you have to keep lying on top of lying to cover your tracks, etc.  I filled out the stuff and will return it back and see what determinations are made.  I'm sitting here at work trying to act like I'm focused on work but I'm not my mind wanders a lot especially when I'm bored or sleep deprived.  I sure hope to make up for this sleep tonight and i'm not looking forward to the bad weather we're expecting tomorrow hopefully it will be the last of it as this is the last day of the month.  Thinking about what to eat for lunch and hopefully I will feel more revived after lunch we'll see.

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