Monday, August 22, 2011

going home today

Yesterday I spent my last day here resting blowing off steam and doing a whole bunch of packing and organizing and I hate packing which is why usually other ppl organize my bags like my mother and him but now I will have to become a packer myself. Some things didn't fit and not to pay for another bag the rest will be sent in a box. This is the part I hate about traveling the packing the new restrictions and the saying goodbye. My son was up early and full of energy of course and I'm hoping he will behave on the flight back and my luggage will arrive intact and while I'm not looking fwd to seeing him at all I'm going to try my hardest to be strong and together especially for the child's sake. I know it will take me a few days to get back into the swing of NY life but I do eventually and can only hope that there's not a ton of work piled up waiting to greet me tomorrow but I will just do as much as I can until I get back on track. In a little while I will be on my way to the airport which is way less hectic than jfk so I don't feel too stressed. Change is never easy and we become creatures of habit but life throws a lot of unexpected curve balls our way and trying to manage isn't easy. Im hoping for a smooth safe flight and hoping the rain has cleared in the north east b/c I sure don't feel like dealing with delays especially with a toddler.
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