Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It's late at and I should be asleep but I can't seem to fall asleep today was a typical morning of dragging myself out of bed and trying to get Jr ready and out the door. I made pretty good timing into the city but today was a slow boring day which just makes the day drag. Today was the counseling visit but we never made it there. I get home early wash up eat and I get a text saying these two geniuses at the daycare canceled. I was furious at all of them this douche actually expected me to go and get our child after my commute claiming he was 20 min away well bus took forever to show he said I should've walked yeah ok there I show up there and she doesn't look sick at all if there is one thing I hate is liars but bad liars are the worst after barely being acknowledged I got Jr and left and walked home the cool breeze made the walk tolerable unfortunately we exchanged insults over texts not my most shining moment but I have a feeling this was done on purpose if not bad timing I tried my best to call and leave a msg but I never got a call back so I'm sure she was upset since visit was confirmed. As if my evening wasn't stressful enough Jr ate something he shouldn't have and vomited I had to clean it up which is torture in itself. Bath story and to bed. I finally got to watch tv and unwind but I just can't sleep I have too much on my mind I guess. Being alone isn't easy especially at night when I go to bed I hear it all Jr sleeps like a log but I have to start getting used to being alone now. I called 311 about housing got no where so I got to keep looking. It probably doesn't help that I ate sweets which are my weakness but I tend to do emotional eating sometimes. Tomorrow is visit to the therapist and I'm going to take advantage of it to blow off some steam I just got back from vacation and I already feel like I shouldn't have come back here which is sad. It's almost 12 and I hope I get up on time going to try and get some much needed rest
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