Tuesday, August 2, 2011

long day

Today was off to a good start he dropped off Jr and I caught the early train in was able to get some breakfast and stop at store and still make it to work on time. Yesterday and today was back to back zumba today I went to another location and the class was just as good didn't feel overexerted so I stood for next class but I just wasn't feeling the instructor so I left early it was too fast and using that step can be hard on your feet and since I still have weight to lose I think I need to save step until I've dropped more lbs less stress on my feet since they're sore now and I don't want to injure my ankle again. We also got a visit from someone who used to work with us and she made us laugh so hard my water went down the wrong pipe she made a comment about someone needing a **** lol hey I agree 100% some ppl are miserable and want to bring everyone down with them not good you'd be suprised what a steady supply of d* can do for a person I think they'd be less uptight but not sure about the bitch factor being resolved. On another note he updated my calorie counter and I have to get back on track with my eating b/c I've been bad and I haven't lost or gained so now I'm on 1400+ calories a day today I went over next time no hashbrown my goal weight is 140 but my range is 130-140 so I've got to be stricter with what I eat and cut out the sweets which are my biggest weakness. We shall I see if I'm able to stay on track. Now since its one less person work is piling up so less time to blog and more focus on wk now don't.want to.give no one anything to talk about since ppl seem to be focused on what we don't do than what is done and done well. Tomorrow is hump day and our second counseling session I hope to cover more and go over the list I made plus write down more tomorrow it seems like its helping but we have a long way to go as this is a process trying to stay optimistic Everyone likes the new style but I need to dye it its gotten too light I prefer the darker look still trying to get used to having shorter hair its more wk having to use a ton of mousse just so it doesn't poof out I think tomorrow is ponytail day well its way past my time to be awake off to get rest to face another day tomorrow
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