Thursday, August 4, 2011

vacation countdown

Today is Thursday and there is 4 days left in my countdown to vacation.  The past few days the weather has been in the 80's even though it can get a little humid at night it's a welcome relief from the horrible heat wave.   I feel tired and I look forward to getting a break.  Yesterday was our second counseling session and I felt more relaxed and we did some communication exercises but I feel as she really doesn't give us the chance to express the way we normally would.  She says she'd like to meet with us individually then after those mtgs we'd meet together again as a group.  I think she kind of took his side yesterday which pissed me off b/c she really doesn't have enough back ground on us yet to really understand why I react to certain things the way I do.  I know it's only the second session as she says there are times where I or both of us will feel like it's not helping or have feeling toward her.  I'm going to give it some more time but I'm not afraid to change therapists I've done it before.  Not everyone therapist and their approach is the right fit for everyone. I guess when the time comes to the individual mtgs I will be able to explain the situation a lot better.   So far I've been keeping track of what I eat with the fitness pal calorie counter and wow is it hard but these past two days I've been good and staying in track with the daily count.  I finally finished all of my mail at the office which is good b/c I finally have free time to do other things.  Tomorrow will my last day of work and I have a few last minute things to get for the trip and I'm just praying that we have a safe flight and jr doesn't drive me bananas on the plane so I will make sure I have plenty of things to keep him occupied hoping that on that free tv they provide they have spongebob or something lol.  I look forward to my time off as I need to get away from the city for a while it will be nice to see everyone and I'm hoping that for drama free even though when dealing with family it never is.   I will try to get to the gym at lunch today provided they have a good class or enough treadmills. 

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