Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie 'Do Not Have a Sexual Orientation'

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie 'Do Not Have a Sexual Orientation'

It never ceases to amaze me the ridiculous things we hear in the news these days.  Some people need to seriously get a life.  Sexualizing Sesame Street creatures that have been in on television for 40+ yrs. that have brought smiles and joy to children is something that really boggles my mind.  I've never stopped to think about this ever I loved watching Sesame Street as a child and even as an adult this never crossed my mind.  What is it with people these days it seems like everyone has reverted back to jr high days.  Now with the legalization of same sex marriage and please don't take as if I'm against that but everything has a time and a place and I don't think it's with children's cartoons it seems like these idiots want to create a relationship between cartoon characters that's simply not there and get a survey going on voting for them to get married.  I think we've lost the innoncence in cartoons and in things overall these days.  I think the children's television workshop who are behind Sesame Street needed to come down hard on the idiot behind this crusade.  Children need to be children and issues like this need to be addressed age appropriate.  Get some therapy and your priorities in order SMH. 


  1. I never found out what that whole thing was about - although I noticed a few tweets on twitter about it - but this is true for MANY so-called "children's cartoons".

    As you said, there's a time for everthing. Whether it be sexual inuendos, violence, etc., this has no business being in children's cartoons. It's bad enough it's everywhere else already in our violence/sex obsessed society smh.

    A common kid's cartoon which I think very often goes overboard with its inuendos is Spongebob, yet we all know how popular that cartoon is. As a parent, I wouldn't allow my kid to watch it. That's an adult's cartoon as far as I'm concerned.

    Bottom line is, everyone is going to parent as they see fit. Something that bothers some parents, might not bother others. But in the end, we gotta let kids be kids.

  2. I read your comment and I agree with everything but spongebob my son loves the cartoon and I don't see anything inappropriate or I wouldn't allow him to watch but I know two others who don't allow their kids to watch it.either but to each is own imo I've seen a lot worse on tv
