Monday, August 29, 2011

Irene Aftermath

Well it's over Irene passed NYC and is now some place else. Friday I went to the local Stop & Shop in my area and couldn't believe how stupid the people were acting you would think that they were preparing for the apocalypse. I understand people are afraid and want to be prepared but some people overreact 3 carts of water is a little overkill and stores are also to blame b/c they don't stock enough items like batteries, water, etc. I hate grocery shopping on any given day so I hate it even more when I have to encounter empty shelves when I looked for canned goods and no water and people acting like idiots. Saturday I got some last minute things at the store and went to get some batteries and candles after going to 3 cvs stores I finally find batteries in the 99 cts store which he sarcatiscally says would only last an hour well thank goodness I didn't have to use the radio b/c I was fortunate to not lose power so I just kept watching coverage on TV. However the other residents in low lying areas or by the water weren't so lucky got flooding and power outages plus some uprooted trees and damage to roads. A friend of mine is still without power and I'm hoping that Con Ed will work dilligently to get power restored to all that lost it. This is was the first time except for transit strikes that our transit system was ever shut down but it had to be done for everyone's safety. Transit service resumed today @ 6 am with limited service and a whole bunch of delays and I honestly didn't feel like dealing with all of that chaos so I decided to stay home and hope that by the end of the day they have worked out most of the kinks and I will able to go to work tomorrow. It was scary b/c there was a lot of heavy rain and wind which is why I slept in the livingroom that night and it was very hard to get any sleep but I think that city gov't prepared everyone well and took the neccessary precautions and while it could've been a lot worse we should thank the lord it wasn't but we still have clean up and other issues to fix to get the city back on track and for those morons who claim that the city overreacted well the city took the neccessary precautions to make sure everyone was safe and had they not you all would complain that they hadn't which proves the statement you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Yesterday afternoon I went outside to the corner store and the winds were still very strong just those few steps and I felt like I was going to be blown away. I'm relieved that it's over and everyone can get back to their normal routines. Imagine how the people in the south and midwest feel that they get hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. all the time and the effects are a lot worse than category 1 or tropical storm status. Let's hope things will be uneventful for a while until the real fun begins over here winter and the snow storms and trying to navigate in snow and clean up from it.

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