Thursday, March 17, 2011

down time and misc topics

I'm sitting down here having some computer time but I really should've been showered in and bed by now.  Did my usual evening routine bathing jr, washing a sink of dishes, pots, and spraying counters, emptying trash all the domestic fun stuff NOT.  After cleaning up I decide to watch a little of Bones I like that show while it's interesting it's also disgusting at the same time even though I know the skeletons and things aren't real they sure look real.  I decided to log into face book and I'm reading my updates and I'm not into face book as much as I once was before.  I update my status occassionally I'm mostly a reader now and I may send some msgs to friends but that's about it.  Why? because people don't know how to act on social networking sites they get behind a screen and don't think about what they say to people and once something is posted that's it even if it's deleted the damage is done as I was reading my updates I came across this comment , I can not put this post on my Face Book page I a proud parent I love the fact of being a parent If God thought the way you did we all would be in trouble. Plus I have more fun being a parent then anything I have done in my life I enjoy watch my children doing thing so maybe it just that you have to change the way you think about being a parent.  I usually try not to be judgemental of others but I'm only human and sometimes I think we all can be but when I read that comment it infuriated me simply b/c this individual took something that was meant to be a joke and really came off their high horse and questioned a good friend of mine's parenting skills and I couldn't believe they had the nerve to go there.  I posted a rebuttal comment but I then deleted it b/c this individual isn't worth my time and I'd be beating a dead horse anyway, but you really have to have some pair to question someone's parenting skills over a posting meant to be funny and talking about things done in your youth.  What makes this even more hilarious is that I knew said person back in the day and they were no saint and far from perfect and now all of a sudden they're some holier than thou judgemental individual questioning someone's parenting skills!  Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world!!! I love my child to death and go through a lot just to earn a paycheck to be able to provide for him and I know I'm not a perfect parent but I love and adore my son and would do anything for him but I'm also human so who is anyone like this individual to judge any parent?  I guess it took me becoming a parent myself to realize this b/c I've been judgemental in the past of others parenting skills and my own parent's.  Perhaps they haven't seen the comment and responded or perhaps they handled as I did didn't bother responding b/c what's the point of starting a face book war I can say if someone posted a comment like that on my wall I would put them in their place and they'd be deleted soon after.  There are some things you just don't say on web pages and saying something like that is one of them.  I'm a firm believer that the people who are the most holier than thou and talk about others are the biggest hypocrites and live in the biggest glass houses and you know what they say about people who live in glasses houses don't throw stones.  I have plenty of these where I work the ones who are swear up and down christianity yet they say racist remarks,etc.  all about hypocrisy.  Being religious isn't a bad thing at all I think we can all benefit from this but when you have nothing to define yourself as a person and can't laugh at a joke or have a good time or think b/c you're in church that makes you better than other people is when it's wrong.  A sense of humor is a good thing if I didn't have one who knows how I'd get through tough times.  Well on that note it's way past my time to get to bed and I need to hit the shower and the bed or I will definitely be behind schedule tomorrow morning.  Live, love and laugh I guess this individual lost their sense of humor somewhere along the way.  Life is too short to be so rigid and not enjoy life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny hope you are doing well. Little kids can be a hand full, I've seen parents shout at their child because they could not take the stress anymore but I don't think that makes them bad parents, that just makes them human. Hitting kids and giving them black and blues is another thing, I think it's wrong, after all little kids don't know better sometimes. Facebook can be fun but it can be silly at times. People will always have their own opinion and not everyone will agree to it.
