Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One day left and hello Sprint

I'm on my lunch break and I wish I was at home laying down watching some tv.  I got to work on time which is great for me provided the trains on the ride home cooperate and unfortunately I have a sink load of dishes waiting for me b/c I didn't get to them last night.  I was so tired last night most of the time once I put jr to bed I will fall asleep soon after in the bed and if I don't then I will watch some tv shower and fall into bed.  I'm surprised he didn't chime in with his usual comment you forgot the dishes or get on my case in some other way b/c remember he's perfect but nope not a word.  I look at this way I'm tired by the end of the day and the house is the last thing on my mind if I had a dishwasher i'd worry about it even less.  Tomorrow I will be finally rid of AT&T and I'm so happy about that I just hope Sprint doesn't turn out to be another crappy company weird b/c the days I've been riding to work I usually have horrible reception especially when we get to the williamsburg bridge but my calls haven't dropped at all I guess they're working on it but guess what your efforts and outages were one too many for me and after tomorrow GOOD BYE GOOD RIDDANCE.  I ventured to the Sprint store in the area where I work and that was a big mistake way too crowded I asked for the EVO and EVO shift and I tried to play around with the phones and I was clueless the sales person had to literally pull up the messaging for texting and I felt like an idiot I was able to maneuver the EVO shift better than the EVO and pull up the texting faster but I guess with every new cell phone we get it's an adjustment period to get acquainted with the phone and the features.  I did notice the EVO shift isn't as small as it looks on tv or in the commercial it is smaller than the regular EVO though.  I guess I will get the hang of it eventually as I've done with most of my phones I've had.  While a nice phone with good features is important more important things for me are:  reception, clarity, good data capability especially important when sending picture msgs.  I was reading a blog I follow today and I noticed that one of the bloggers took a statement I said and included it in one of her blogs and that really surprised me and annoyed me b/c I felt it made me look that I don't support women's rights, etc.  and when I called her on it she says she didn't say that but the commented prompted her to think about it b/c she's heard it before I guess she didn't think I'd read it but I don't appreciate it when people try to twist your words around and I've seen this happen to a lot of people including myself in other instances while I know everything is subject to interpretation I was very surprised at this but this will not prevent me from commenting on anything else b/c why should I feel afraid to express my opinions.  I've even deleted blogs from here b/c I was afraid that someone would get offended by things I've written or think I was talking about a specific individual but I've decided I'm not going to do that anymore.  Everyone else voices their opinions and I've read other blogs on here that are very controversial but it doesn't stop people from posting their views.  Well for the record I'm very much for women's rights, advancement and empowerment while we've come a long way we can always go further and do better for ourselves.  I just think that with the feminist movement chivalry has been sacrificed along the way.  I think that these days a lot of women want to be independent and want to be treated as a man's equal I know I always say be careful what you wish for b/c a man can interpret that in a lot of ways.  A lot of women like the blogger who posted about men paying on a date don't know what they want they say they're independent want to pay on dates, but when a guy isn't a gentleman they complain about it so that's why I said make up your mind you want it this way or do you want to be somewhere in the middle.  I guess I'm that somewhere in the middle.  I don't mind a guy paying on a first date even though I'm married and this scenario no longer applies to me but how would you feel if you were on a date and after you ate you were handed the check? or expected to pay half of it? I'm no gold digger or materialistic and most who know me know I'm pretty down to earth but if that happened to me that guy would never see my face again but I guess everyone is different.  What I expect is a gentleman someone who knows how to treat a lady, that means having manners, respect, and have a good sense of humor manners is very important to me b/c if I see a person who is demanding and rude it sends me the message that they don't care about other people and their feelings and if I see it on a date it makes me wonder well if he's rude to them what would he say to me if I "annoyed" him.  and forget about expecting "dessert" b/c you paid my way you will know what singing soprano feels like.  I guess I'm not in tune with today's feminism and dating scene is like since i'm not on that scene anymore and I'm sort of glad I'm not the dating scene isn't an easy thing and you come across a lot of guys that make you think "are you for real"? I don't see how some people hop from man to woman woman to man, etc.  forget about casual sex, one night stands, or friends with benefits way too complicated.  If people realized whenever sex is involved it's never that cut and dry maybe they'd think twice.  While I realize life isn't without stress or complications I prefer drama free and knowing where I stand with people and situations.

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