Thursday, March 17, 2011

great spring weather

Today's weather was great look fwd to more sunny days tomorrow is my favorite day of the week Friday.  I am glad to be home at last b/c today I was so bored at work and doing these mailings is tedious and annoying especially when you have print and assemble them when the assembled envelopes run out after a while I got tunnel vision and I had to stop.  I was happy to arrive to work early and leave on time but I encountered yet another idiot who displayed my least favorite pet peeve people who eat on the train this girl was eating a egg and cheese on a bagel and it stank like crazy and of course I was stuck in a very crowded J train with no escape it almost seems as if she was doing on it purpose and I almost wanted to knock it out of her hands thank goodness it's a short ride.  I get to dunkin donuts no hot chocolate today get myself some oj a wrap and a donut which I never ate b/c many a times I don't get a chance to get breakfast before I leave or I will be late especially if I have to drop jr off which today I didn't.   Yesterday night we went to best buy to make the transition from AT&T to Sprint and I never realized how time consuming this is and this doesn't help that this best buy is in a very crowded area of queens queens blvd.  After this we ate dinner at the outback and we came home and we were all exhausted I gave jr his bath read him some books and we both fell out fast.  I'm so happy that I have my EVO but just like every other phone I've gotten it's going to take a while to get used all of the features someone called and I almost didn't know how to answer it another challenge is I will have to learn how to mobile blog with this phone as it's not the EVO shift I'm used to the slide out keyboard so this will take a while for me to master that.  I think it was time for a change but I'm hoping that Sprint will be better for us b/c AT&T gave us enough grief.  I just wish they'd have enough accessories in stock when you need them we wanted otter box cases and had they been in stock at best buy 25% off.  I went today looking for an otter box in J&R didn't see the defender went to sprint they had the commuter went to mcdonalds and paid $8.15 I didn't realize that the McDonald's on Broadway is a high class one I read my receipt and I almost threw the bag at them but I was hungry so I didn't.  60 cents eat in charge! I couldn't believe it! Not only is your food a darn rip off you have the audacity to charge 60 cents for us to sit in your place to eat our over priced food unbelievable so they're off my list going to stick to the one by BMCC.  I get to a table and I look at my fries and if there's nothing that get me more pissed off is when my fries aren't done right, don't give me cold or burned fries b/c they're coming right back to YOU.  I've done it before and if they want to consider me a pain in the ass that's ok I'm paying enough for it! today I was already tired of hunting for the otter boxes and hungry so I sucked it up and ate them just made sure I put tons of ketchup.  I was going to venture into the Borders book store on Wall St I feel sad they're closing that store now if I want books have to go to  Barnes & Noble on 14 st.  wanted to take advantage of their deep discount to get some medical books, etc.  but there's always tomorrow.  I opened all the windows to air out this apartment and put our wings in the oven and jr is here very happy and I'm always happy to see him and he's watching sponge bob the cartoon I have practically memorized I've seen so many episodes, when you can predict what the characters are going to say I think that's cartoon overload.  Well it's after 5 and jr is calling for my attention and the cat has to be fed I'm hoping that jr will sleep through the night today b/c if there's any day I don't want to be late is tomorrow well off to unwind and relax.

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