Sunday, March 13, 2011

end of a weekend

I really should be in bed by now but I'm still awake and that's a surprise.  Last night I couldn't sleep the consequences of getting a nap during the day I wind up falling asleep after watching Hard Evidence and I hear some foot steps and jr had woken up it was after 1 am.  I get to bed and try to get him back to sleep which eventually he went back to sleep but I couldn't fall asleep I went to bed but it wasn't a quality sleep where you wake up feeling refreshed and well rested.  Today I felt a little better and did some grocery shopping and got meat and  went to food bazzar to get some things to make some fresh sofrito and I went to the larger store for the first time and I just couldn't take the crowds and the ghettoness I mean seriously why the heck would you put your cart in the middle of the aisle while others are trying to get by the ultimate in lack of manners was when I saw this idiot coming with a cart and her kid and an old lady was passing by do you think idiot waited for lady to pass they almost boxed her in.  I couldn't believe they're so lucky it wasn't my grandmother, etc.  I thought to myself there's a serious decline in society these days everyone is all about me you even see in the children.  Parents don't properly educate these days they're all about being the kid's friend and the clothes on their back.  I get on line and I was so relieved to pay and finally be out of there lesson learned I will go to the smaller store and earlier in the day.  Just wish these ingredients were readily available in the stores closer to my area.  Tried some new quesadillas from this local place called fresh taco and they're were great so we have a new place for take out days.  A relative came over and helped put away the stuff and cook dinner for which we're eternally grateful.  We were having a conversation about the public school and private schools and the best public school is 113 in glendale and he has his heart on putting jr in there or a private school and he says the two public schools in this area aren't very good and I thought as much as I'd like to be able to send him to private school I don't think it's financially possible but if I say I will be told that I'm settling etc.  I think I'm being realistic.  I want to make sure that not only is 113 a good school but a diverse school as I know there are certain areas of glendale and middle village that aren't yet very diversified.  He says next year he will be in pre k uh hello let me concentrate on now that's he 2 yrs old and he will be 3 this fall  I know times flies and waits for no one but I'm just trying to get used to speech therapists, potty training etc.  speaking of which I tried to put him regular underwear today and within 5 minutes he pee on himself thank goodness it wasn't the other thing.  I tried putting him on potty and nothing happened.  Potty training is going to be a long trying road *sigh*.  We will just have to keep trying.  I'm watching the Celebrity Apprentice now and I guess this is the new season and wow I can't believe watch a bunch of aholes some of these celebrities are some of them are so self centered and egotistical.  I can't really stomach Trump much but I guess if there's nothing else I will watch it.  I think there are people who just get a certain high off of telling others what to do.  There was a scene where one of the project mgrs pushed someone I think I would've pushed right back one thing is to give me direction but don't you dare put your hands on me! As far as the women team goes I can't stand Star Jones at all I think she's an annoying self centered bitch and it comes out through the show, she micromanages and is in need of a reality check, Dionne Warwick may be a great singer but as a person she's a rude self centered person who wanted to take full credit for what is supposed to be a team effort when she made a very ignorant discriminatory remark regarding Marlee Maitlin and her being deaf she lost all of my respect. Just b/c you're older doesn't make you smarter and respect goes both ways.  Marlee Maitlin has overcome a lot of obstacles to get where she is and she got there even with her disability so for her to make such ridiculous comments like she did was uncalled for.  I know they're all doing this for a good cause but this goes to show you that just b/c you're famous and have money doesn't make you smart doesn't mean you have class or manners it just means you're famous and have the means to live a very comfortable life that most of us dream of.  I don't envy these people at all maybe the money a little b/c you have to have more to bring to the table and if you don't it shows very fast.  This also proves that put a whole bunch of different characters together there's bound to be conflict.  It also shows how stupid and catty women can be which is why I'd rather work around more guys and have a man boss any day of the week.  Well it's getting close to 10:30 and I have to get to bed and I've had all I can take from this show so it's off to bed and I'm crossing my fingers for an uneventful commute to and from work what I always hope for everyday especially Monday.

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