Wednesday, March 23, 2011

raining hump day

Thinking I'd actually have an uneventful evening was asking for too much.  I get off the train and as I'm walking down the stairs my phone goes off and it's him telling me time warner shut everything off this is the last thing I wanted to hear and he course is doing the usual chewing my ear off a part of me just wants to say stfu and wait till I get home but I breathe and say I will talk to you when I get there and explain so not only does this incompetent cable company mess up on my account they have the audacity to shut off my services with no notice at all.  This is the type of stress and aggravation I don't need at any time but especially when I've just gotten home from a day of work and commuting.  I called them and made a payment over the phone which I didn't want to do but had no choice.  I'm so sick of them and their incompetence that if I Verizon would hurry up and bring fios to queens I'd tell them where to go faster than a NY minute.  I guess you can't mess with a man and his TV you'd think the ceiling was caving in our apartment.  He has four wives me, the xbox, dvr, car, and now the evo.  All of in this in the midst of preparing dinner and the therapist was due to arrive at any given minute.  She shows up and we just finished eating I barely touched my food I tend to lose my appetite when I'm stressed I cleared off tables and got ready for the session and jr wasn't cooperating last night.  Lately he's become very hyper and after a long day we're both tired and don't have the energy to keep up with him.  After this he misbehaved and I hear him crying and I feel angry and sad at the same time I just wish he would gtfo at that moment.  He goes to visit a friend last night says he doesn't get to go out well I don't either and I also don't have back to back days off at times if I were only that lucky maybe I wouldn't feel so tired and overwhelmed at times.  I was glad to see him go and messed up as that sounds sometimes people really can aggravate you and try your patience and he sure knows what buttons to push with me.  I mean having to call time warner again b/c internet isn't working only to see that stand by button is on!.   After he left watched some tv gave jr a bath read him stories which he doesn't always pay attention to and off to bed and I fell out when I woke up it was past 10:00 forgetting that I left dishes in the sink, etc.  Washed all of that and cleaned up and fell back asleep until this morning where I didn't feel like getting up as I usually feel and this crappy weather we're having the next few days sure doesn't increase my motivation.  Found my id badge and wore around my neck to decrease any more annoyances when it's time for get into the building everyday.  Got my hot chocolate and donut stopped off at duane reade and off to work.  I say good morning to all when said person arrived she says the same I don't respond I know be the bigger person but I say f* you (internally) of course you're rude to me several times and just b/c you got the stick out of your a** or either got some you expect me to forget I don't think so.  I have plenty on my plate and I'm not feeding no one's ego or putting up with any crap.  I ignore people you have to or sometimes you will wind up in a serious confrontation that you will say things you don't mean and can't take back and I know myself when I get angry real angry especially when a person has pushed me to that point I will go off sometimes I'm afraid of my own temper so I try to calm down and realize that all of that energy isn't worth it.  I like listening to music it helps me relax and destress and each song brings me back to a happier or younger day in my life.  He introduced me to an app on my cell that you can download free music and I've found tons of music even 90's 80's etc.   I was accused by someone who doesn't even work alongside me of making errors on a report, funny how our department is always correcting their incompetence and we don't say a word It's always easier to point the finger but harder to take the blame and most of it is just plain haterade well it's a quarter to nine and I need to start my work day it should be a quiet day today let's hope it's without any more nonsense just to think all of the things one experiences just to earn a dollar these days is unreal at times. 

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