Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a little bit of "me" time

It is hump day and I'm glad that the weather has warmed up some b/c monday and tuesday was freezing over here and now we will be hit tomorrow and friday with more bad weather this is so frustrating considering that's it was officially spring on March 21.  This weekend was like most cleaning organizing and getting ready for the delivery for jr's furniture which came late but the furniture changes the whole appearance of the room I carefully checked and watched them as they assembled it b/c these people tend to want to move very fast not when I've paid for it it had better arrive in good condition.  Now the challenge is getting jr to sleep the whole night in his new bed.  We put his step stool he uses for the sink and toilet in the room b/c the bed is high for him to climb into bed.  I was very tired last night so much so I left another sink of dishes in the sink I went to shower and off to bed.  I woke up briefly and saw him sleeping in between us wondering how he had got into our bed yet again.  I was in such a deep sleep I didn't even feel his presence.  I should've put him in back in his bed and probably would have if I didn't have to get up at 5:30 a lame excuse I know but most ppl don't get it.   I got up this morning half conscious as I always do watch some NY1 news and then start getting ready for work.  I had my cereal to avoid spending money on breakfast and I thought jr would've woken up by now but it was 6:20 and he was very much in a deep sleep I had to wake up and get him dressed fast a task that I've almost mastered.  I had to then quickly throw some gel in my hair tie it back get our coats on and off to the bus stop.  I managed to make it to work on time.  Today is "me" day which will start after work I'm going to get my nails done and my eyebrows waxed b/c I work too darn hard to not do anything for myself for a change.  I usually don't have the time or energy for this as most times I just like to go straight home and I dont like none of the local nail salons in my immediate area.  Today i'm making the time b/c my feet are in pretty bad shape and I don't have time to do them myself.  The next task is getting a haircut.  I'm going to making more time for me b/c it's very easy to get caught up in the daily life routine and forget about yourself especially when you have kids.  I checked my hours for time off and it's depressing no where near enough time accumulated to take another vacation yet and my goal is to have paid time off so I don't think I'll be making another trip until the summer time comes and that's if I have enough hours accumulated.  Yesterday's session with the speech therapist went well I see he's making progress and that's great for me and now we have to work on the continuation of services.  I will meet up with a friend next week and that's something I look forward to b/c it is rare that this happens it's cool to have interaction with adults once in a while.  As far as the family drama goes, this individual gets more annoying the more I hear about it I just wish they would make a decision and cut the bs.  I just don't get why some people have to make things so difficult for themselves and for others.  He tells me that he told them that they need their own place and he would help them and that's a small improvement but  he has a long way to go before I'm satisfied with how things are handled.  Why should I feel like I'm in a tug of war or a competition where I know I'm the one whose place should be respected.  Well enough about that I'm at work trying to get things done and I received an email in reference to an EEO mtg next week and I don't think it's a coincidence due to some remarks that were made in the office that were racist against a particular group of people.   When I questioned it I was told the new cmsr wants us to go over EEO policies twice a year and I checked our employee intranet pg and I didn't see anything indicating this so it leaves me to draw the conclusion that someone overheard those comments and got offended.  I told one of them to be careful what they said and how that can be perceived and they no longer choose to talk to me and I think it's ridiculous but it is what it is considering that this woman is a mature woman old enough to be my mother which also proves another saying of mine "age is just a number" it's all where your head and emotions are some people never grow up and that's quite sad but fact of the matter is if your skin is that thin at this stage of your life then there's a problem but as they say "the truth hurts" and perhaps it hit a nerve.  I guess they will also think that I had something to do with this mtg which I didn't but maybe this will serve as a reminder that people are listening and if you say something stupid it will have consequences.  I look at this way not everyone agrees with each other's opinions and as long as you're not making it personal it's just an opinion.  I guess it's all about perception.  Either way I will not be there as I will be attending the ent visit for jr to determine whether he needs this procedure done to drain the fluid from his hears and other diagnosis and that to me is more important than focusing on office politics and the stupidity of other people.  My key word is ignore and focus on what's important.  At the end of the day it's coming here to get money to support my son and bills, and the rest is irrelevant.  People seem to think it's a popularity contest when it's not fact is if people came to work to do just that it would be so much easier but we as human beings of course don't make things easy.  Note to self: ignore. Just realized all of the mail I printed has to be shredded due to a low toner cartridge fml!  more incompetence *sigh* well more fun for me to reprint and now stuff them.  I will just think of the end of my day where I will finally have some time to myself even if it's short lived. 

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