Monday, March 14, 2011

uncertainity in our world

After I turned off the tv in total disgust after watching the apprentice I walked to my bedroom and trying to find a spot on the bed was a task in itself.  I got some good rest which made up for Saturday night and when I got up at 5:00 it was pitch black outside due to the change in time and I thought it was earlier than 5.  I get up get ready and had to wind up waking jr up we got ready and went to catch our daily bus which was late as always but I managed to drop him off on time and most importantly be at the office on time.  We're supposed to get a taste of spring weather toward the end of the week and I can't wait till it's officially spring I'm tired of wearing sweaters and a coat.  I looked at the news and I can't believe the terrible earth quake and after shocks in Japan the Tsunami in Japan and CA then we have the uprising in Egypt, Libya, etc.  and the people trying to get rid of collective bargaining, etc.  I heard someone in the office say it's the end of days and I have to agree with her my husband says the same thing and I can't believe it even families the way they are with one another but all of this is in the bible.  I'm not a terribly religious person but the thought of this does scare the crap out of me b/c I'm wondering where I'm going I think I am a good person with a good heart I'm not perfect I've made my mistakes but when I hear 2012 it scares the heck out of me.  I guess there isn't much we can do but live our lives and be good and do good for others b/c when the time comes nothing else is going to matter.  There is so much economic uncertainity, angry people who are fed up with the gov't and corruption, etc.  and I hope and pray that I don't become another casualty of the economy and you try to be positive but the minute you put the news on more bad things which is why sometimes I'd rather not even watch.  Pray for what we have what little we have, pray that we make it to another day b/c from what it seems like there is going to be a lot more to come.  I saw the terrible bus accident on the news in which so many people lost their lives and I have a feeling that guy was either very tired, drunk, or just driving wrecklessly and lost control of the bus but either way he will have to answer to the authorities kind of makes you wonder are we safe anywhere?  You can't even get on a tour bus without worrying if you're going to make it back home or not.  I wonder why those drivers aren't given breathalizers, etc. before they get on those buses as they have the lives and safety of all passengers.  Well it's another Monday I'm glad I made to work safe on time and hope to arrive the same way home.   I hope this week will be a good one and I will continue to keep the victims in Japan and CA in my thoughts and pray for them all.

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