Friday, June 17, 2011

End of Weinergate

When I first heard of this I thought here we go another politician who messed up yet again, and the headlines were endless.  I actually have am ny and metro new york papers and I think each one of them had a headline or small box about him I think it got it to the point it was ridiculous.  I think this is a very sad situation b/c this is a person who despite his very stupid acts did a lot of good for the people of his district and for the seniors of Queens.  I don't think some people will remember the good he did just the fact that he messed up the way he did. I just can't believe that he had such a lapse in judgement that he allowed himself to engage in these inappropriate exchanges online and mess up his career the way he did.  I think we are all human and mess up we make bad choices, say things we shouldn't etc.  but Weiner's mistake was he lied about it. He did not come clean about it during his initial statement or when the first pictures came out.  I think if he would've came clean and admitted what he did and apologized people would've had more respect for him but he didn't I think he got too comfortable, he was a little narcissistic, and didn't think the photos would come out bottom line is no one likes a liar especially when you're a public figure and the people of the district put their trust in you.  We hold the politicians and other public figures to a much higher moral standard and everyone is shocked when they mess up, I think people seem to forget that they're also human.  I think he let down his district his constituents and most importantly his wife. I will not be surprised if down the line I hear she's left him if she stands by him through the end I'll be surprised.  I hope he's learned from this and will get the help he needs but if this is any indication what do you online can come back to bite you I don't know what is!  While I agree what he did was wrong, some people are very self righetous and judgemental like Nancy Pelosi there are politicians who've done far worse and weren't asked to resign like Rangel that crook abused his power and used city rent regulated apartments as office space, had a villa in DR paying no taxes, and i'm sure more things but all he got was a censure which is pretty much a slap on the wrist instead he should've been told to get out, people like John Edwards, Sharpe James, Mimms (another jersey mayor) all of these people were elected by the public and had the public's trust and they misused and abused it. and even the Clintons were talking smack about weiner, hmm ex president did you forget what YOU did???? I'm sure those stains were just white out that spilled off the secretary's desk, they're the last person to throw a rock at anybody.   I saw his speech yesterday on Fox 5 and I feel in the end it was the right thing for him to do b/c I doubt with all of the media blitz, etc.  he wasn't going to be able to continue his job or be taken seriously by a lot of people.  I also feel that his fellow Democrats didn't back him yet threw him under the bus which speaks volumes that politics is dirty and when things are bad is when you know who really is there.  We probably would've been able to hear it a lot better had they not allowed that heckler to keep running his mouth, seems like any nut can get into a press conference these days.  I guess it didn't occur to them that they should get security.  Either way i'm glad this is all over this is was a scandal that was overexposed, and exploited by the media, comedians, and anyone who had the ability to give an opinion.  It's time to turn the page and move on I'm hoping my next copy of the news paper will have a new headline other than this one until the next dope is caught with his pants down NYC.

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