Tuesday, June 7, 2011

hot tuesday

Yesterday was a busy day for me at work I did a lot of work trying to get out all of the mail which is a time consuming task in itself, entering results, and posting returns, etc.  At the end of the day I was tired and ready to go.  Today should be an easier day now that the mail was sent out, until the next batch comes along *sigh*.  I woke up this morning and made sure I heard my cell alarm go off and the room felt very humid and warm.  It took me a while to get out of bed b/c it just feels to good but then I pryed myself out and hit the shower got dressed had my instant breakfast and by the time I finished I see jr is up and is where he shouldn't be by the computer desk and has a book about cars in his hand.  I looked at the weather on my phone and it's going to be a hot one today 87 I can feel even as early as 5:30 it was already 79 degrees.  Well tomorrow it's going to be hot 91 and thurs 97 it's too bad I have to be at work both days especially thursday I'd rather be at one of the city pools or Jones Beach.  Had I not been sick I probably would've played hooky Thursday and went off to the beach or pool.  I got sun block this time #50 I'm sure going to need it b/c getting a sun burn is painful and uncomfortable.  I get into the city early which I love and go to my favorite spot lot less and I was looking to grab a snapple from the discount store but of course it was closed so I went to lot less browsed around and got a few things.  By the time I left the store the other place was open got a lipton brisk and off to work.  I punch in and most people aren't here early on this floor I say good morning to whom ever is here sometimes I get a response sometimes not but that's a whole another show I just don't understand why some people in the office are so stupid, if someone says good morning to you why can't you respond? It's just basic manners but I guess some ppl don't even have that.  No one is implying by saying good morning or night that you're going to be #1 on that person's social list, lunch buddy, or facebook.  I was sitting at my desk and there is a co-worker of ours who comes to talk to the other one across from me doesn't even say gm to me until I say it to her.  I just do it to hit her over the head and to prove a point.  She's one of those people who are "funny" like that and have a lot of emotional problems and you know what I know life isn't perfect I blog about when I'm not having a good day or stressed all the time but to constantly be in that mode even at work isn't emotionally healthy at all.  My drama, my bs stays right outside the subway stairs before I enter this place b/c frankly it's none of anyone's business and do I really want to known as someone who's always in a funk.  A lot of these people down here can use some professional help or medication (prozac, paxil, etc.).  I have no time for stupidity which is why I do my part to show I have class and respect and I make sure I always have my ipod charger to tune it all out while I work.  I kind of like the fact that I'm all the way in the back now sure wish I was upstairs.  Changing the subject entirely I have to wonder what the hell was Anthony Weiner thinking when he posted or sent those pictures on his twitter account?  First of all why would you even say something so stupid like you weren't sure if it was your **** or not? WHAT!!! I think every guy knows their own package and would know if it was theirs or not. I think he lost all credibility when he lawyered up right away, if someone has nothing to hide they don't need to seek the help of an attorney.  His wife should've smacked him up the side with his cell phone.  You're willing to ruin your political career over something to stupid and ridiculous I have an idea why didn't you just send the pictures to your wife's phone? What really gets me is why do people continue to post or say stupid things on facebook, twitter, myspace and think that they're not going to have consequences for their actions.  If he would've come clean and admitted to what he did I think people would've respected him a lot more, now he's embarrassed himself, his constituents, and his wife and I think his chances for running for mayor are slim to none now but who knows if Client #9 who was our former governor messed around with prostitutes and had his intimate life all over the news, etc. has his own talk show on a very well respected news channel anything is possible I guess.  I guess we hold politicians, and high profile figure to a higher moral standard than most people but maybe we should stop doing that and look at them as human beings who also have weaknesses, faults, and make mistakes.  We're all human and screw up but as hard as it is we learn from it (hope we do anyway) and move on when the dust settles, people will forget about this and focus on the next high light in the press.  Well it's 9 am and it's time to stop blogging and tackle the work.  Hoping everyone has a good day and enjoys the sun. 

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