Friday, June 10, 2011

not as hot friday

These past two days have been a steam bath over here and summer hasn't even begun yet.  If this is any indication of how hot the summer is going to be when it officially begins on June 21 we're in for a hot one.  Me and the heat don't mix my stomach gets messed up I get headaches and I have to be confined to the two rooms that have ac livingroom and bedroom.  I eat less, can be short tempered, and I think we're all little sluggish.  Yesterday I couldn't wait to get home and blast my ac thank goodness that all of the trains ac was working well so at the ride to and from work was comfortable.  This week I did a lot of travelling at lunch Went to 34 St and shopped at Old Navy got back late thanks to all mighty 2 train who picks up speed and than comes to a painfully annoying halt not good when you need to get where you're going and you're on a time constraint and trying to sneak in through the back door.  Thanks to the geniuses at 34 st who hang up size M and S pants on a Large hanger had to return the next day but I wasn't tracking up to midtown again settled for 18 St. this time I turned the pants inside out to see the label to make sure it said large.  Needed relief from the heat went to this new frozen yogurt place called flava boom I love any sweets but especially frozen yogurt and I will try anything once so I went in and the place looked really modern and hip but I just wasn't sold on the concept that they charge by the weight of your cup and didn't have smaller cups and I wasn't the only one who didn't like this.  I filled up my cup with strawberry frozen yogurt and hoped it wasn't outrageously expensive $5 expensive for most ppl but it tasted good however if they have no small cups again they won't get my business.  I don't think it's very good business practices to charge by weight b/c everyone loves icecream and will want a lot at least they'd snag me here I think charging a set price takes the guess work out of it for the customer and I really don't like self service lol I'm not at a gas station or a laundromat and so many people touching those levers from the machines not exactly hygienic in my opinion.  This week jr gave me a run for my money when it came time to put him to bed very frustrating indeed I winded up spanking him but felt guilty afterward I think it's the sitter who puts the kids too late and she doesn't care she doesn't have to get up the next day and commute to the city so we and any other parents pay for it at night.  I know many kids whose parents don't have them on a schedule and kids are up very late and the schedule worked for us when he was a baby and 1 yr old but now that he's an older toddler he's becoming very defiant and testing limits.  I sure hope he goes down easy for his father tonight.  I needed a break yesterday so I went to the livingroom I went to watch some tv and blow off some steam I went to bed around 11 but was awoken in the middle of the night by him yet again who then went to open the fridge and take out two juice boxes I wasn't in a sunshine mood at 3 am and I said get in bed and I wasn't about to let him drink minute maid punch and really be bouncing off the walls.  He finally falls asleep and by the time I'm comfortable again boom cell alarm goes off and it's time get ready I didn't want to get out of bed so I was lazy and slow moving this morning and I of course was late.  I hate being late on any given occassion especially fridays.  Today was a busy week and I did a lot of work but I took it in stride I did some work got out half the mail and did some other tasks and now I'm blogging to kill time.  Lunch time came I took my walk and got myself a soup from au bon pain 12 vegetable to be exact and walked to Red Mango a frozen yogurt joint to try them out.  So far I've tried 3 Flava Boom, Red Mango, Pinkberry.  I wasn't impressed that they did the same by weight pricing but I loved their coconut frozen yogurt and it was $2.50 cheaper than 18 st.  I'm glad to have my house back for a few weeks as I feel much better when it's just us 3 at home.  I'm meeting up with a good friend today for dinner and got a new referral for a therapist which I'm hoping brings a better outcome than the previous douche.  Well it's time for me to close down and head out to Queens.  PR parade is this weekend, but will watch it on TV unfortunately they don't allow the officers family to be present at the parade. :(. 

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