Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Subway Fight Caught On Camera

Subway Fight Caught On Camera

I saw this on the news yesterday evening and sadly this is not unusual when you ride the subways or the buses.  This fight was over a "seat".  I like to get a seat as much as the next person on my ride especially when I'm tired after a long day of work, etc. but to get into a fight over it never.  Sad part is that these good samaritans tried to break it up and were unsuccessful and they risk their own safety to do so.  The police say not to get involved but if you're between stations or underground on some lines a dangerous situation can get even worse.  I think there needs to be like a panic button or something installed on the trains while I know the newer ones have that button to push but you have to speak and who wants to risk getting their a** kicked if criminal sees you.  I've posted my list of subway etiquette in the past on here and let me tell you some people need to use better subway/bus etiquette to avoid things like this.  Being a subway rider using two very well traveled lines every day I've seen lots of stupidity some riders are just plain stupid which is why they get into problems with other riders.  I observe people doing some real stupid s*** like drinking coffee while standing up why would you do that and not be mindful not to spill coffee on a passenger? Sit your a** down and drink or wait till you get to your destination not properly holding on to poles and bumping into someone and being a native new yorker I know the ones who like to do this to instigate a fight or a reaction. On the newer trains you have this new poles especially by the double seater why the heck would you put your elbow on there if someone is sitting there??? I once had to smack someone's elbow out of the way on a #1 train b/c it almost hit the side of my head.  The right thing to do would be hold the top curved pole above the seat or the back part.  Loud cell phone conversations: STFU no one wants to hear your annoying ring tones, your last nights escapade, or other ridiculous drama played up a hundered notches b/c you actually think we give a flying **** if you must report such important news TEXT it please.  On yesterday's ride to work I witnessed a grown woman get annoyed by a teenager who brushed up against her it wasn't hard it's not like she slammed into her and the train was packed like a sardine I mean get real if a train is that packed and if you choose to get on it, things like this will happen and I thought I hope she knows better to leave that kid alone.  Get serious if you can't handle close body contact wait for the next train it's that simple!!!!  Seats well they're nice but one size doesn't fit all if you don't fit in there don't try b/c you're risking annoying a rider and getting cursed out or the outcome of the above video link.  Men your junk needs space but unless your hung like a horse not that much space!.  Next things BO please wash up and use deodorant and don't overdue it with cheap cologne perfume or anything over powering and good oral hygiene is a plus, your fellow riders will thank you.  Food:  Some people don't like to see others eating, and I HATE people who eat on the subway it's second place to my other pet peeve the loud cell phone convos.  People don't want to smell your nasty food or watch your nasty ass eat and you have no table manners and don't even have the decency to clean up after yourself.  I've smelled stank chinese food, overfried chicken, pancakes, nasty egg sandwiches from the corner store, it's freaking ridiculous.  I've actually spotted someone eating an egg sandwich on the platform and made sure not to get in that car.  The spagheti incident also turned into a brawl where this slob was eating on the train, and someone was annoyed by it, the rider should've just got up and went to another car rather than make the statement "what kind of animals eat on the train" b/c that can be taken the wrong way and it was.   Be a smart rider and you won't encounter any grief on the subways and all of these apply to the bus rides as well as there have been some fights on the bus also published on you tube, sad part is that people film these things but don't take steps to call 911 or get a cop on the platform b/c everyone likes to see a good fight.  When I see things like this, it reminds me why I keep my child off public transportation if I can help it b/c bottom line people are stupid, rude, and don't think before they do or say things and while I may try to avoid things on my own if anyone did anything to jeopardize the safety of my child I will go nuts.   I think there needs to be more police presence on the subways people blame the heat which can make people short tempered and they blame the economy, etc.  These are all factors but at the end of the days it's just plain old fashioned STUPIDITY and who is tougher.  When you step into the street, into a car on a subway train always remember you never know who is the person riding next to you so think before you do or say something you will regret. 

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