Tuesday, June 14, 2011

much cooler tuesday

Tuesday morning on my daily ride to work and it seems like I can't win if its not someone who stinks its someone with cheap or stank old perfume who just happens to pick the seat next to me I'm glad to have my ipod on to tune out the mindless chatter the weather keeps on changing and I still feel a weird feeling in my throat and I noticed something red I can't afford to be sick again so I'm just going to keep rinsing with peroxide and hope the infection goes away on its own kind of sucks when you don't have enough leave to take days off if you need to now Jr doesn't feel well had a fever so his father is taking him to the dr and I'm hoping its not another infection but I won't be surprised if it is since he's so prone to them. Yesterday was his first mtg with the new ot and she's ok I guess not going to be picky at this point she gave me some tasks to do some he did with ease others he had trouble but she mentioned that she needed to do a report on him and I'm like what? You just met him but that's how EI and the state operate and they wonder why ppl complain about services not up to par or lack of services. Our hope is that he's in a preschool setting by September. I think he will improve a lot more in a structured environment its a shame that this isn't affordable to many working parents. Yesterday at work I got so annoyed had to make so many calls requesting info that the last thing I wanted to do was start assembling mailings. One or two calls is ok but more than that posting notes that's too much. I sometimes switch between tasks b/c it can get tedious. I'm supposed to start my work out this week and I already have obstacles which is annoying the new ot thought she was going to come on Friday and I quickly squashed that that's my day to chill out and work out. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of this I paid for my dues and once we start making excuses nothing is accomplished so I will do it even if its at lunch time ready to catch the J glad to be getting away from the stank perfume let's hope next train isn't too crowded
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