Sunday, July 31, 2011

downtime at last

It's Sunday night and I finally have some downtime I'm watching American dad I was watching family guy etc it feels good to watch adult programming b/c I was on spongebob and cartoon overload sad part is these past few weekends have been hectic and I don't get a break on the wknds and before u know its Monday and time to start another work week and I feel tired. This wknd was like most cleaning and doing things I can't do during the week. Between both days Jr drove me crazy if it wasn't me cleaning up spills or thrown food it was other stuff dealing with a toddler isn't easy and sometimes I lose my patience today I decided to take him to McDonald's as I promised him and today it was
93 no way I was walking in the heat took the train going and returning home I got a few things in the store went to the park dropped off my bags and off to the laundromat to wash the stuff from the beach and a few.other things it felt good to come home after all of this running around tomorrow is zumba day for me which I look fwd to have some time for myself. This is my last week before my vacation and I sure hope this week goes fast b/c I seriously need a break. I have to start thinking about what I'm packing and try not to overpack stuff. It felt good to wash my hair I wanted to see what the new cut looked like and its ok nothing over the top kind of miss my long hair I cut 4 inches off but my ends were dry and I wanted to try a new style its going to take me a while to get used to it but I think i'd like the long layers etc if it was longer. She said to come in 6-8 wks for a trim but I think I want to wait till it grows a little longer to see how it looks. On another note I'm kind of sick of hearing about this debt ceiling thing both parties are irresponsible and needed to make sure this wouldn't even be an issue I just heard they reached some deal I'm sure it has alot of cuts etc. It's 10:00 and I'm exhausted don't even think I will make it through fox news @10 but I will try.
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